Two Guys & Beer

Breckenridge Brewery: An Octoberfest Odyssey

October 30, 2023 Andy Beckstrom, Shawn Field Episode 7

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Get ready to turbocharge your beer knowledge as we take you on a tour of Breckenridge Brewery and its iconic Oktoberfest beer. We promise to share some unforgettable anecdotes from our home brewing experiences, along with insights into the tantalizing malty, hoppy, and dry finish of Breckenridge Oktoberfest. Not to forget the exciting news, we're making strides to bring award-winning local brewmaster, Brandon Phlipson, into the conversation. So, strap in, folks!

Pour yourself a cold one as we ski down the memory lane, narrating the tale of how a bunch of ski enthusiasts turned their passion for beer into an iconic Colorado Brewery. We'll walk you through Breckenridge Brewery's incredible journey of expansion, relocations, and how it managed to satiate the taste buds of local and visiting beer enthusiasts. Now, churning out a staggering 1.8 million gallons of beer a year, the brewery is a testament to dreams brewed in resilience and persistence. And yes, there's a 12-acre carnation farm involved, but we'll leave that for the episode. 

As we wrap up, we'll get you up close with the plethora of beer offerings from Breckenridge Brewery, including small-batch and barrel-aged beers, and its extraordinary reach across 48 states. To add a dash of thrill to the mix, we'll share our own experiences of skiing and snowmobiling and the role of beer in these adventures. Listening to this episode will feel like enjoying a pint at the bar with friends, engaging in delightful banter around our shared love for beer. So tune in, laugh, learn, and let's toast to the joy of brewing.


Alright and welcome in here to one more episode, yet another one, seven. We are past the six pack mark. Got to make the beer reference there. With the six pack. We are in the episode seven now as the two guys in beer podcast rolls along, andy Bextrum along with Sean Field here and the best part of the entire program, there we go. That will do the trick right there. I couldn't quite get mine latched on there right away. I need some experience with the bottles.


You an amateur man Coming off of a great Oktoberfest. We had Bell's Oktoberfest and we had Shell's Oktoberfest and now we have Breckenridge Oktoberfest is what we're going to bring to you. So, breckenridge Barista, if you have your beer at home or your beer of choice, go ahead and give you a second to pop the top on that one and be able to get warmed up and get ready to go. I kind of that look on your face like you were.


Yeah, it's Oktoberfest beer, it is Oktoberfest. It's got a different, almost not a bite, but there's something.


It's a little more hoppy.


Yeah, a little more thinner, a little bit better.


I would say it's not quite as smooth as Shell's Oktoberfest or the Bell's. It's got an interesting aftertaste. It's kind of maybe a bit of a malty.


Yeah, I was just going to say I think it's kind of a malty and it does say that on the front toasty malt character with a clean, dry finish.


So I mean, it's pretty good it's toasty.


Yeah, definitely some malty, though for sure.


Yeah, it does have some malt in it, for sure. Yeah, it's a little better.


It kind of lingers a little bit with that.


Yeah, I don't know what to think about it yet as I continue to drink as we talk. We'll see if it changes. It's all right so far. I've never had this one before Breckenridge Brewery in Southern Colorado.


Yeah it seems to be pretty good. I feel like I've had in the past, I think, when we were talking about what different beers to do going forward. I want to say that I think you would ask about Breckenridge and I think I've had Breckenridge, but I can't place off the top of my head which ones that I've had. I know I haven't had the Oktoberfest from Breckenridge, but I've had other various Breckenridge I don't remember which ones, but I always thought that it was pretty decent, but I've not had this one. So it's kind of a new experience for me, so kind of like a new experience in our new two guys in studios Studio, yeah, we have a new studio, andy put together for us Kind of went to a different room.


We are kind of set up in kind of my home bar and we're just fine, but we had this extra room that was kind of available. I think we got to get some. If it sounds kind of echoey or tinny, I think we got to get some sound proofing or something to eat up some of the echo in the background. I have that big booming voice that really no, that's not it at all.


It's a good excuse. Exactly, yeah, we need something for the tinnyness. We've heard that a few times from some listeners. It sounds kind of tinny or echoey. We're not quite sure exactly what that is yet. We're still trying to work through that and figure that out here as we go forward.


But hopefully, yeah, it'd be a nice little room to be able to have, and now that we're kind of set up here and maybe be able to get some guests in and let them kind of be a part of the program, we can talk to old Brandon Phlipson and get him working on it.


Yeah, we say that every episode. Oh, we'll get Brandon on, an award-winning local home brewer, let's get him on. I wonder if he listens. I sure hope so.


I hope that he probably doesn't even know who we are.


That's his rocketing to stardom. Yeah, we got to get him on here.


Now that we got this set up, we can definitely easily add him to the fray, if you will.


Yeah, that'll be a good time. He can definitely tell us a lot of stuff about home brewing and what it takes and all that stuff.


I think we've talked before. I've done a little bit on my own, a couple of batches, but not anywhere on a professional level and nowhere. Let's just say I don't know that I've done a barrel in my. Do you call it a career In my hobby? What's a hobby career? Hobby rear.


Yeah, there you go, that works.


Hobby rear. It's like hobby year old, but less hot, I don't know yeah.


I don't know. One barrel would be 31 gallons. So the average barrel I just use that because that's the average barrel. Some are larger, some are smaller, but the majority of the average is 31.


Which I think that maybe I have had close to a barrel but, I don't know. I've only done a hand full over, you know over time, but that first one was probably the best one where I drilled the hole. That was great stories and everything but that was probably the best tasting one that I had.


We should have did a YouTube video on that. Just drill a hole through your hood and your range hood, exactly. Put some rubber binders around a wireless drill to hold the trigger in, so it stirs the pot while it's going. Exactly, you set it and forget it.


Over the years, I've realized that you don't actually need to stir it constantly, just consistently Like oh so I didn't need to cut a hole in the. Okay, got it All right. Perfect, we'll have to add it at some point in time. When that memory comes around, I probably have it on my Facebook Very deep in there we can share that on our yeah. Well, if you have that type of photo.


we're going to have to upload that on the social media, Absolutely.


It was an ingenuity, engineering, engineering, ingenuity, and it's fine. I'm just trying to make up words at this point. I haven't had enough beers to make the ATIS sound good yet, so it's still kind of.


It needs to go to college. You're being an engineer when we just got a figure.


Really, that's what engineering is Save yourself some money. You're just solving problems is really what it amounts to be.


Save yourself some money and come talk to Andy and I and we'll teach you some engineering tricks?


Exactly, yeah, it's going to be. We're going to have the podcast, we're going to have the School of Engineering, and don't forget about our app development.


Yeah, women app development Yep.


Exactly. Get on board quick, because supplies are running out and it's going to be right to the stardom.


If you want to donate to the startup, I can let you know our PayPal or Venom All-Count. You can send us some money, we'll give you some. Put your name in the credits.


Well, will you be a part of the thing. You know, let you kind of kiss the back of my hand or something or whatever. The thing is so Tangent. Tuesday on a Monday, there we go again. We're back Breckenridge Brewery out of, as Sean mentioned, colorado. We have the Oktoberfest. If you've grabbed any other Breckenridge again, feel free to drink along.


I guess, as we discuss the history, and this will be the last Oktoberfest that we do for the month of October. So let us know in any of the comments, social media, whatever you've got going on there, which one, if you've tried all three, which one's your favorite. Or if you have a different Oktoberfest than the three that we tried, let us know which one you think is a favorite. Maybe we can do that next year through the month of October, do one of your beers and if we select one of your beers, maybe we'll send you a baseball cap or a Cousy with our logo on it or something like that.


There, you go. I like that. Giving back to the people, that's a name of the game.


That's what we're all about here two guys and a beer. So anyways, yeah. So Breckenridge Brewery it's the original ski town brewery. They've been open for about 32 years now and counting. You know they're going strong they do skiing in Colorado. A little bit, oh okay, yeah, just here and there. I suppose they do have a couple of those hills and stuff A couple.


yeah, according to them, they say they were just a few ski bums who wanted something that tasted great after a long day on the slopes. So they came up with this idea of it, starting a brewery in Colorado called Breckenridge Brewery. It's about 32 years ago. They opened it up in Breckenridge, colorado, in 1990. They started right out of the gate. The visitors and the locals are drinking way more beer than they ever anticipated and they could not keep up with demand. They couldn't brew as much beer as they had visitors and locals attending their brewery.


That's a good problem to have you know, I guess Can't keep up to demand.


No like, especially in a brand new, right away, right off the bat.


You know, all the other beers that we've done on the podcast here. It's taken them a couple of years to get going, basically this one right off the gate. They just couldn't keep up. Just right after so they had this gentleman named Mr Todd. I'm going to call him Mr Todd. Mr Todd, okay, so Mr Todd. The very next year 1991, so one year after it opened, he is currently. Mr Todd is currently the Breckenridge Brewery's president, but back in 1991, he began his apprenticeship. I can't talk either. I need more beer to get these guys down.


We need to get big words, you know.


So he began his apprenticeship back in 1991 for Breckenridge Brewery. Well, he set out because they were brewing so much beer they couldn't keep up for the locals and the visitors. He set out with his team and started looking for some new locations in Denver to build a second brew pub with space for a bigger brew house. Todd and his team. They ultimately did find a second location in downtown Denver and opened up a second location in 1992. So just a brief two years later they've already got a second location opened up. They went from Breckenridge, colorado, and now they're in downtown Denver.


I would assume that property and not even getting into the value, but just like availability, probably is not, there's, probably not. Oh yeah, there's all sorts of real estate available for, oh, you're an expanding brewery that's going to have Massa. I mean, colorado is kind of well known for some brewery as well. I would think there'd be some pretty good competition, or at least tough to be able to find space for that.


You think space, yeah, especially in downtown Denver, and Denver is not a small city by any means, it's a big, bustling city. So they got some space in downtown Denver, opened it up in 1992. A couple of years went by and the Denver location and they had some new neighbors move in. You want to know who the new neighbors were Miller, kurs, no, colorado Rockies and their 50,000 fans. Oh, there we go, moved in right next door.


That'll work.


So I'd presume, when you got the Rockies right next to you and all those crazy Rockies fans drinking beer, well, the brewery's right next to it, the brew pub, I'm sure it was packed all the time and again they all grew that location Weird couple years later. Yeah, imagine that.


With the Rockies fans right there, so it's a crazy baseball.


I'm actually a Rockies fan. I like the Rockies. I like the Rockies. The twins are, of course, I'm a Homer. I've always root for the Rockies.


I was kind of going back. You know a little, told Todd to help in days. Remember the old. I think them and the Diamondbacks had the where it was just like a fast style, like sleeveless style jerseys, you know, way back, when there's only a handful of teams that could really pull that off.


Yeah, and they could, and they have a good logo and I like their colors back. You know the purple and the black that they had back then and didn't they? Did they get to the World Series or were they close? Because I remember that.


I think they got to it once.


That postseason I remember I was rooting them on hardcore. I think so, man, I just can't remember. Sorry, anybody in Colorado I just can't remember my Colorado sports right now. But right, I was a fan of the Rockies. I'm still a fan, I just can't quite remember.


If you're from Colorado or a big fan of the Rockies, call us out on the social media. We'll send you a Chris Pfeiffer number.


Yeah, let us know so, because the Rockies moved next door and all their fans, and again they outgrew their downtown Denver location. So they did find another location a few miles away from where they were in downtown Denver. That's where they've been for the past 19 years. As they approached, when they were at that location, they approached about 60,000 barrels a year is what they were brewing, and I did do the arithmetic this time there you go To how many gallons of beer 60,000 barrels are.


That's a couple, three, four.


It's about six.


Oh, there we go, so it's a solid output.


So in actuality it's 1.8 million gallons of beer, Wow.


That's a lot of beer. That's a lot of beer. I was waiting for you to say. They moved a couple of miles to the west and then all of a sudden the avalanche moved in, because the Pepsi Center is kind of around that period too. At least I think it's the. I don't even know what it is now, I'm not sure. I think it might be the Pepsi Center. I went there a couple of years ago. That was kind of fun.


Oh, you did.


Yeah, it was kind of a crazy tangent Tuesday, kind of going off the rails here. I worked over nights. On Friday night I was working down in the cities and so I went to the airport after I got done with work and got like a couple hours of sleep in one of the chairs, kind of slumped over, got on a flight, fluted Denver right A friend that lives out there and went out to just one of the bars you know, had something to eat and hung out and whatnot. Went to the avalanche home opener against the wild at the Pepsi Center, oh wow. Went back to that same bar afterwards, was there to like tuition in the morning, took the train.


Actually I didn't take it. Well, I went back to the train station, but the train station one o'clock was the last thing, so I had to like sleep in the train station for like five hours. Like five o'clock in the morning there was another one that was going or whatever. So I get up, get on that, go back to the airport, get on a plane, come back to Minnesota, oh wow. And that night I get back, drive down to Mankato, get like another hour of sleep, watch the Vikings game and go to Shine Down in Mankato that night and then after the concert Sunday night I drive to Duluth because I had a week long training in Herman Town.


Oh, no, wow.


You want to talk about like one thing after another, like that was. But Pepsi Center was fun, denver was fantastic. They used to get around. They had a lot of like you know public transportation and it was pretty cool. Yeah, I've never been to.


Denver before. I've been to Colorado a few times, but just driving through, so I've never really stopped through there. How long ago was that? When you were there for the Wildland Four years ago or something In the Wildland? No, they lost.


it was, either it was a one goal game, like three, two or two or something like that or whatever. And 30 seconds left, one goal game, goalie out, pucks in R and all of the things were going right. I'm with like four or five Minnesotans all sitting together and we're up and yelling and stuff like that, and there's a bunch of Colorado people that are all sitting down and like down in front, shit down, and I'm like, if you can't stand up in the most exciting part of hockey, get out of here and they were like we're going to get you kicked out Really.


That's how we're playing, Like you guys are standing up. I'm sorry for being supportive.


So that was a little bit of a different experience, but yeah it was close.


It was fun. It was a pretty good game. I don't think the Wilds had a very great season that year, but it was fun. It was a blast. You know, I'd absolutely do something like that again randomly go to games.


Right, that doesn't ever happen, does it? It's always a good time to go to away games, and go with their fans and have fun doing that. The question is were you drinking Breckenridge beer when you were at this?


time I feel like I must have. I don't know if they for sure did, but I know that when I went to the bar beforehand, I specifically was like I want something local. And I looked at all the tabs and I'm like I feel like I've had almost all of them. And he's like, well, breckeni like listed off a couple of them that are like well, these are made in Denver.


Well, I guess I count so that works.


Yeah, so I probably did have Breckenridge likely that night, but it was a few hours there and then a few hours at the game, then a few hours back there again afterwards. Maybe some spots that I'm not sure of the details. Well, five, things. Things didn't exactly flow right through my brain afterwards. I don't blame you for that, I'm sure I did. We'll say yes, that's what it's perfect.


Yep, so then Breckenridge could be responsible for the cloudiness, exactly. Yeah, we'll call Mr Todd and they hey, we got a problem here. Mr Todd might not be a problem, but just you know.


Yeah, exactly, you might want to put that on a warning label or something. It may cause foggyness, all right. Okay, somebody want to phone in and let us know where we were at before.


Yeah, we're need some more of this beer actually, I think. All right, so getting a little back on track, let's steer back on course or put the train back on the track here. So they were brewing 60,000 barrels of beer or 1.8 million gallons of beer if we want to convert that out of that location when they moved away from downtown Denver. But there still wasn't a large enough area. So Todd and his team yet again had to search for a larger home to accommodate their growing business, because they continue to grow and grow and grow.


I don't know if there's like an old Walmart available or something like through the spirit Halloween thing, where you just move into an old building.


That would actually be a pretty good size, but I actually found a little better spot here, and a little bit. I'll tell you right now. Okay, I'll wait here. We won't even keep this, we won't even have any suspense, yeah.


We'll have that when we come back from the commercial break.


So around 2015,. So a few years later, of course, mr Todd and his team, they did end up finding a bigger spot. They found a 12 acre stretch of land in Littleton Colorado that once, at one time, was a carnation farm. So, huh, interesting place to move a brewery to and a tap house and tasting room and all that.


I feel like that's one of those things that like there's enough carnations that are out there that there must be a farm, but I feel like that's one of those things that you never really think of. Like I suppose they have to have a farm for carnations. I feel like we had this discussion the other day about like having a farm for carrots you don't really think of like there's a farm for carrots, but there's a lot of carrots that are out there. If somebody did it, you know they had to come from somewhere.


They didn't come from a featuring dish, it's true.


Well, nowadays it depends on the care they're supposed to what we're talking about. So they find this carnation farm. They find it it's no longer making carnations In.


Littleton Colorado. Littleton Colorado, that's where they're at. So with the 12 acres, you know it's a new location for them, but the new location's got the 12 acres. It's larger. It features a hundred barrel brew house, a barrel aging room. They read that all their packaging, all new packaging line dedicated to her staff. Then they added a farmhouse restaurant.


I'm kind of there.


So when you're there you get something to eat while you're trying their beer.


Absolutely Probably not a bad plan, really. That probably limits some of the fogginess. Probably would.


That's ah, there we go. Especially if you're driving, don't drink and drive people.


Exactly, yep, don't do that.


That's a good start, I guess.


Drink and take public transportation. Yes, Uber, Lyft.


Block Run Plains, whatever gets you from here there, Exactly, Don't drive.


Call your buddy Kyle.


So after they got that going in 2015, in 2016, Breckenridge Brewery became a member of the Kraft Brewer's Collective and that's kind of a family owned Kraft Breweries type thing. I mean, it's actually a unit of Anheuser-Busch.


Breckenridge Brewery.


The bizarbon Kind of went from. Maybe its own thing. I wasn't quite so clear on it, but it does say Anheuser-Busch on their webpage and stuff. I'm not sure if Anheuser-Busch just helps distribute them.


I wonder if they don't do some of the bottling Just because they have the infrastructure to do so much more.


Right. So I think it's probably more of a distributor type deal for them, Because in 2016, after they got that into their Kraft Breweries Collective in 2016, there now they're sending their beer out to 48 different states.


So there we go.


They're pretty widely out there now Breckenridge beer, nice, and then today they've expanded their focus to make beers for any occasion for everyone to enjoy, with the laid back Colorado type vibe, especially small batches and barrel aged beers invoke more of a wild west imaginative ski bum and a salt that's like their quote.


I do feel like a ski bum.


I do too, because I don't ski.


Yep there we go.


I think I've crossed country, skied Well. I was forced to in junior high we had to cross country ski for gym class.


I used to do that a lot in high school. That was kind of my, because I was pretty bad at basketball in high school. I mean, I still am pretty bad at basketball, but I didn't. I played my freshman year, junior year, sophomore, all of, but didn't my senior year, and so I did a lot more like cross country skiing, you know, for more like just kind of stand into the thing, because it was more baseball but it's more of that. But I did a little bit of that. I wasn't tremendously, you know, fantastic, although I did finish at the mini Lopet which is like a 15.


K in Mora I did the before the big race, just the mini Lopet. I finished second in my age group. Oh, I finished. It was like a time of something like an hour of 14, or something like that. The guy that wanted, though, won the whole thing in like 14 minutes, so, but he was also in my age group, so I wouldn't be surprised. Second in my age group, but I was only like an hour and four minutes back, so it was, I was right there, you're right there.


Yeah, we ever done any of the downhill skiing? I've never done any of that either I didn't Again when I was in high school.


Ironically, blake was like church, church Trips and stuff. Like we, you know, go to Wild Mountain or Quadna when that was still a ski resort and things like that or whatever. I think I went one time to like Powder Ridge with Kimball with. It was to make me and my friend Kurt just went the one time. Otherwise it was always with a different group with a thing church group or school trip or whatever it may be. So a little bit I really liked it back then, but I haven't. It was one of those. It's one of those things that like do you like downhill skiing? Oh heck, yeah, I really like downhill skiing. They started thinking I'm like I've been like 24 years since I've been down, so do I really like this? I'm not sure if I do, sure.


So I did it like way back then, you know, but it was fine, you know, but I just haven't, yeah, I just haven't, I don't know, I guess I haven't prioritized it, so maybe that says a lot about you know like I had fun but oh yeah, I've never, never downhilled skied only cross country skied a couple times, not too interested in it.


I'm getting sick of winter, I'm getting sick of snow. If I'm out in snow, I prefer something with a motor.


You know I'd be tumbling down the hill or anything.


I will on a snowmobile. I just don't want to work that hard at it. Right, getting old and lazy and I like, I like some beer Right, freaking rich beer.


That's what I need to. I need to get a snowmobile. I don't have anything like that or whatever. Never, never, done a lot of that, so you need to enjoy a little bit more of winter's fairs Stuff.


And it takes work and effort, though it's cold out, that's true.


I could stay inside and drink more beer for the podcast.


Drink more beer for the podcast Research, research, you know that's that's.


we'll stick to that Game plan for the next one I'll drink to that Cheers. I wonder if that'll actually work. It kind of came through the mic stand, is that? Oh, there we go. That was a pretty weak little yeah. I didn't want to. You know, like no way.


Yeah, I don't know what. So overall, and on the Breckenridge October Fest, it's a pretty decent October Fest. I'd say of the three that we've done, I'd probably rank it number two. I still think shells is number one, but I'd rate this number two is a little more bitter. Like the bottle does say a malty, the clean dry finish, like you alluded to earlier. I'll drink it again, for sure.


I think I probably agree. I mean, I do like the, the bells, but in a way, like the bells and the shells were kind of similar, but kind of light, kind of easy drinking, but the shells still had a little more flavor to it, this has like a different flavor profile to it. It definitely it's still an October Fest. You still get that. You know that Mars and Lager type of flavor to it, but it definitely has a little more punch, if that's a way to describe that.


Yeah, it works for me.


It's good enough way to describe it yeah. I know what I'm saying. It is different you do expert.


Not many other people would say that's fine. I still say it anyway Volume shooter, just throw it all out there. So, yeah, pretty good, though I'd be willing to take a random. I should look at tickets to see when the wild play Colorado and do that again. Maybe not any overnight type of trip like any, the last little bit more extended, actually see the rest of Denver, but it's kind of fun. People to check out the Breckenridge Brewery yeah, it'd be fun to go to a good place.


Would you even go out there for again to begin with, just to watch the?




Oh, just to watch the game.


Yeah, I literally started is I have a friend that lives, it's like, north of town and they like not in Denver or whatever, but you're talking about that. She's like, oh, I'm gonna get tickets to you know, go into the thing. And I'm like, oh, that'd be really sweet. I should look at tickets and she's like, yeah, I absolutely do it. It was one of those where, well, I guess I'm not taking a bag and it's like a two hour flight hour and a half flight. It's not a very long flight. So I'm like I guess I don't really care if it's like, you know, spirit frontier, like the cheapest flight that I could find and it was like 80 bucks or something like that, so so I can't beat that.


You know, like I'll be there for like 36 hours tops, why not heck with it? So she, she bought the tickets for the game and so I bought the flights and you know Like took the train out there and like I even slept on the train a little bit because obviously didn't get a lot that entire weekend. But yeah, it was. Yeah, it was just randomly just one of those things.


I don't know you know, and it was definitely like cuz we? Even when I talked to her she's like, oh, that'd be sweet, you know, say the whole weekend. I'm like, no, no, no, I got a shine down tickets on Sunday, so I got to go to that six years. You're just gonna come on here for Saturday. I'm like, yeah, it's fine.


Andy, you are one wild man. You know it's been done. You're so wild.


Amanda can contain you. She doesn't. She just rolls her eyes and allows me to do whatever.


I wonder if that friend of yours in Colorado knows we have a podcast.


I should. I'll have to let her know. Probably is she might even clicked on it some point time.


Listen to this episode for sure.


It's in your own town Exactly, or?


in your neck of the woods. I don't know if it's her hometown.


I'll send her a couple of the like stickers or something like that, or some of the, even the poster, the business cards with the QR code. Put them up all over the place. Stick it on the wall at the brick and ridge or something that absolutely yeah yeah, it's pretty solid beer, pretty solid place. They'll be a lot of fun to be able to check it out.


So yeah, I agree. So go get yourself some brick and ridge October fest. If you haven't yet, while it's still out there, give it a try. Let us know what you think. Mm-hmm, you know, as of all October fest, they only make them for just a quick couple short months. So if you like October fest any brands, make sure you go out and get some before, before it's not out.


Yep, it's a yeah, it's definitely a short term, seasonal, I mean, because some seasonals, like you get like the honey, but not honey bites, that's more of a year-round thing, but it was like the lemon shanties or lemon beers, you know, or Summertime ish, but like the October fest is, it's a much shorter window for that for. So, which is fine, you know, totally works. But, yeah, get out there, check it out and let us know what you think. And if you have ideas for further episodes or other ideas for different beers that you'd like us to try and kind of do a history of or background for, definitely drop that in the comments. We're on all the major platforms Facebook, twitter, instagram, rumble, spotify, iheart, youtube, all of them. I feel like I'm missing probably a bunch, but it's fine.


Google, we're on quite a few. So all the major ones, major podcast, social media platforms. So we're out there, yeah, like the old proverbial like share and subscribe.


You know, tell your friends, tell your neighbors. Nothing else like go log on to their Wi-Fi and download.


Share button. You're just clicking the like and type in a period in the comment. Just helps the algorithm move, moving around a little bit.


Yeah, we want to, we want to hear from you, though, you know definitely let us know kind of what you think. If there's something that you're got questions for us or Thoughts on a certain beer, or maybe there's something you don't like, you know we're definitely open to deleting cotton and listening to other comments too. You know we're. We want to hear everything, want to hear from everybody all the time, with whatever they got for Information or feedback. Or maybe you've been there and you can give me a on-site review of Of what the location is like or of one of these seven different locations.


Or just send us some beer. Yeah yeah, I'm all good with that.


Yeah, we're, we're happy to Hat and maybe even and a sticker, and we'll get you something. We'll get you some swag for sure, absolutely.


We're very open to beer, absolutely.


We don't discriminate, so we can, we can be bright, we can be bought, that's for sure. So so that's a that. Yeah, that's a pretty much episode seven there with Breckenridge Brewery, kind of recapping. We did the October Fest, but kind of recapping all of Breckenridge and lots of fun stuff for multi-location I guess, breckenridge and then Denver and then Littleton, kind of all over the place a little bit, but mostly kind of around that Denver area, the Colorado area. So, yeah, definitely a pretty good beer, pretty good, pretty cool brewery, lots of fun information and clearly does quite well if they had to move that many times to be able to expand in such a short amount of time too, like we said, like some of them have been around forever.


But they've took a while to really latch on, but this was just Right through the rush right out of the gate.


Yeah, I just went nuts right out of the gate. Yeah, check out their website. There's a lot of good information on there by some of their merchandise.


You know whatever, absolutely, and of course you know I go out and check it out. You know, find the October Fest, or find you know any of the Breckenridge beers and give them a whirl and kind of. You know, like I said, let us know on the comments what you think. So and Again, if you have any ideas for future episodes, let us know. Let all your friends know about the episodes that we've had so far. This is episode seven. We'll be working our way towards episode number eight next, which I believe we have a beer picked out for that one as well.


We do have a beer picked out for that one, and I don't have the exact name with me, but well, I'll just tell you it's from out of this world, we'll tell you that, and I'll leave a question with Andy, but I'm not gonna let him answer it. So I'm gonna let it marinate a little bit. And all the listeners out there, I have to sit and think about it think about it. For a little bit. But the question is do you believe in aliens, Do they?


exist. We'll have to discuss that on the next episode. That's so that that'll be the ultimate teaser to be able to get you back. So for sure, we'll have to discuss that on the. The next opportunity, the next episode of two guys beer. So I hope you enjoyed today's episode. A lot of fun to be able to kind of go over the Breckenridge Brewery. My name is Andy Beckstrom for Sean Field. I hope you enjoyed the episode and Sean. Any closing words?


Thanks a lot for this to everybody. Appreciate it. God bless and cheers and we'll talk to you soon.

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