Two Guys & Beer

The IPA Invasion: Sierra Blanca's Alien-Themed Journey

November 04, 2023 Andy Beckstrom, Shawn Field Episode 8

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Have you ever sipped on a beer that took you on a journey to another planet? Prepare to be transported to Moriarty, New Mexico, home to Sierra Blanca, the award-winning brewery behind the Alien IPA. This full-bodied brew, with its distinctive flavor and aroma, is not the only thing that'll captivate you - the unique alien-themed branding and the stunning beer garden at Sierra Blanca makes for an unforgettable experience. But it's not just about beer - we venture out on a thrilling road trip to Roswell, the famed site linked to UFO crashes, adding an extra-terrestrial touch to our quest for unique brews.

Our journey doesn't stop at beer tasting. We delve into the fascinating world of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. The mystifying increase in UFO sightings, the curious phenomenon of crop circles, and the lively debate on alien existence are all part of our conversation. We even touch upon Goldie Hahn's chilling encounter with otherworldly beings - a tale that will have you questioning your own beliefs. Are we alone in the universe? Tune in to hear our thoughts.

The final leg of our cosmic journey takes us into the heart of government involvement in the study of UFOs. From studying the intriguing work of the UAP Task Force to scrutinizing the testimonies of retired Air Force Major David Grouch and retired Navy Commander David Favor, who claim recovery of non-human biologics from crash sites - we leave no stone unturned. As we wrap up, we ponder the legacy of Sierra Blanca and the future of alien research. We promise, this episode will leave you thirsty for more - both knowledge and beer. Buckle up and join us on this exhilarating ride!


Alright, and welcome in once again to another episode. Two guys in beer podcast here as we work our way into the next episode. Today's episode is going to feature Sierra Blanca, not a brewery that I've heard of, but it is going to feature the beer. The Alien IPA is what we're going with.


Yup, that's what we're doing this time. And I've never heard of Sierra Blanca brewery either. And it is an Alien IPA. It's a 7% alcohol contact and it's got an IBU rating of 81. The only reason we came across this beer is because I took my daughter on a road trip. We were down in Las Vegas, we went through Arizona, we were going into New Mexico and we couldn't figure out where we were going. Like every road trip, we just wing it and out of nowhere I'm like hey, aurora, you know Roswell's in New Mexico. And she's like okay, what's?


that? What's that? I don't know what that means. You know, that's where the aliens crashed.


I'm like we can swing through there, check it out and, of course, once I told her we're aliens, crashed. She was like, alright, let's go to Roswell.


Let's do it.


Hit Roswell and that's where I picked up. The alien beer was in Roswell. So here we are Alien IPA Sierra.


Blanca brewery Wrapping up our I guess October fest and we're going with the Halloweenish kind of theory now as we move into aliens from the October fest.


And of course the question we left off with the last episode is if you believe in aliens. We'll wait on that answer here for just a little bit. As we kind of go through the brewery, then we actually get into some alien related stuff.


Before we get too far. We got to have the best part of the episode. There we go. Oh, I can already smell the hops Like immediately, like it hits you.


Yeah, that's an IPA, that's for sure.


Oh yeah, that is. In a way it doesn't taste quite as hoppy as it like the smell of hops immediately. It's almost like it tastes like it's, or it smells like it's like fresh hopped, which is more the process of how you do it. Usually it's when you brew a beer you use like pellets or dried out or different types of hops, but like a fresh hop you just take the hops literally just right off the vine. You don't dry them, you don't tumble them, you don't do anything, you just toss them right in there. And I did that one with Brandon that we've talked about a couple of times. We're going to get him on an episode here at some point, but that was a process. We'd done that and that's mostly what the hops would smell like. But I don't usually know a whole lot of beers that smell so hoppy but don't taste overly hoppy.


Yeah, it's not like overly strong. It kind of smells like I don't know citrus, sweet type smell.


Yeah. A little bit maybe, or kind of a fruity smell, maybe Definitely has a different. I'm not going to say it's not plain taste, but it's just not. The aroma is much more than the taste, and so it was such a powerful aroma that, like as soon as I popped the top, I was like whoa.


I wonder if the taste is kind of more like a citrusy sweet piney finished type taste, kind of like maybe a dryer aftertaste. I don't know, it's kind of a hard one.


It's pretty solid, though I do enjoy it. I don't know this is going to be the challenge with this episode, though, as I don't know how widely distributed it is. Right Alien.




Go ahead and find your local IPA and grab that one.


Yeah, crack open an alien IPA and drink it along with us. I like the logo on it. It's got an alien head on there, a green alien head with hops in the head.


Yeah, the eyeballs are lighter colored hops and yeah, I mean there's not a lot going on on the label. There's like a little bit of background or something like that, but it's just a brewed by Sierra Blanca, brewing out of Moriarty, new Mexico.


I wonder, if you're drinking this, if you'd be a hotduction.


Oh, there we go.


That's pretty clever there.


You know, if that's going to happen.


Have you been hot-ducted before?


If you know not that, I remember, is the way that I'll word that. If there's a way to go, I mean that might be. If you're going to be, you have that happen. A hot-duction would be maybe my preferred way, I think.


Yeah, I think it's hoppy enough. It could be a hot-duction. Maybe it's a hot-duction taste.


I guess we'll see after I have a couple of them.


You'll be hot-ducted somewhere Exactly.


I might start at the core start at Coreback for the Vikings next week.


Oh boy, we don't need to get into that.


We'll say that for the end of the episode, or maybe next week, or maybe we won't talk about it at all. We'll stick to the beer. So disappointing.


Oh yeah, so Sierra Blanca Brewery huh, so that's where this is from in New Mexico. It started in a small facility in Carazuzu, if that's how it's pronounced, sounds close. Yeah, I don't know much about New Mexico, but that's where it started in 1996. They claim they're one of the oldest breweries in New Mexico.


Well, when I think about brewery hotbeds and craft brewing Denver and Seattle and Albuquerque are the drinks I don't know I guess I laugh. But I'm not even making fun. It's not really someplace. I've known it so I guess in 1996, that makes sense. That's where they get some breweries going.


The hotbed of beer in New Mexico. There we go, so they opened up. Since they opened up, they've grown into 12,000 square foot operation In majority, like you already said on there. The cool thing about that brewery is they have a half an acre beer garden outside. There you go, looking at the website, it looks really cool, looks like a lot of fun. They opened that up in 2014. On that half acre.


Now that beer garden. You say you've seen pictures of this. So is it kind of almost like shells, where it's kind of an open park area, or are we talking almost like a winery, where you have rows of hops or something?


It's like an open park area. Like a big half acre lot is what it looks like to me on their website. They have a covered bar out there seating area so you can drink outside and enjoy the. I'm sure New Mexico has fine weather. It was nice when I was rolling through there down south Very arid.


Is that the right word for that? Dry, very dry, it's a dry heat. That's what I have. Relatives in Arizona. They always tell me it's not hot, it's just a dry heat, it's just a wind chill.


Like, come on, move back to Minnesota.


Why is it a Brahma?


Hot is hot. Interesting thing about New Mexico now is driving through there. It seems like every 50 miles you're on a different planet, like you have lush green forest. 50 miles later now you're driving through a mountain 50 miles later now it looks like you're on Mars for 200 miles. After that 200 miles it looks like you're going through the grasslands in Nebraska, right Like all in New Mexico. So that was quite interesting and that was, of course, on our way to Roswell.


I think the only time that I've only driven through New Mexico. I think once, and that was. We decided to drive from Minnesota to Arizona in a little five of us in a little Chevy tracker, which was fantastic, by the way, you're going to do a cross country road trip May as well cram everybody in there. But, oh my God, I woke up at like three in the morning at one point in time when I was going through Iowa cause I accidentally hit the horn and it made me laugh so loud. Anyway, but my mom listens to this episode. I'm definitely going to get some hate mail in the comments later on.


So we drove down there and drove through New Mexico and it was just the interstate from one side to the other, so I didn't get a chance to be able to experience all of the different things you know, like I've been told. That's kind of what Arizona is like. You get further up into the mountains, you can get like Prescott or other areas a little further up. You get some of that. But I guess I didn't know that about New Mexico. I thought it was just well, here's the desert and a road that goes from here to there, and that was. It was trippy because it's like, well, there's absolutely nothing that way. And I looked the other way and there's absolutely nothing over that way.


And well, there's a road for forever going this way, that's about all I could see.


So probably the last 250 miles into Roswell. That's basically what it was. So you're on a four lane highway. Of course, now I forget which highway we're on. It's two lanes going one direction, two lanes going another direction. You think there'd be a lot of traffic, Not anything.


Nothing at all.


I think the three or four hours we were driving this 250 miles into Roswell, I came across maybe two cars. Oh wow, there's no gas stations, there's no houses.


You had a plan ahead. There's no nothing.


So if you're going on this road, you need to be full of fuel snacks in the car. You better hope you don't break down, because when I say nothing, there was nothing. You look out, you see nothing, it's just flat.


And we've had conversations about road trip etiquette and making sure you're prepared, so I don't know that that would go real well, but you got to be prepared. Yes, yeah.


That was a little different. It was kind of eerie because the sun was getting dark. The sun was setting. Aurora and I are driving to Roswell of all places. I'm starting to look out my windshield.


Okay, there's nothing here.


Is this a thing? Is there a really alien here? You're going to get hop-ducted, yeah yeah. So that was pretty. That was quite the interesting drive. The farther and farther we were driving, the more and more I was like, hmm, maybe this wasn't the greatest idea in the world, because if you literally break down, you're going to be out there by yourself for hours and hours. But the interesting thing, I had 5G the whole time.


That was just going to ask I can't even get 5G. Now, I was like yeah, no kidding.


So yeah, the cellphone coverage is great.


Well, I mean, I guess, if nothing else there's that that was going to be my next question Like if you didn't end up breaking down out there or ran out of gas or something like that, like even if you had AAA, I mean, if you don't have service to call them, then it's kind of useless. But I suppose if there's at least that, then that'll work, that'll help at least.


Yeah, so that wasn't too bad. And of course, as you come into Roswell they have the third claim to fame is the aliens, you know, of course. So each entrance into Roswell on the freeway has got a big old sign with a spaceship that's flashing and whatnot, and so it was kind of neat. Yeah, so that was pretty fun. But back to the brewery for the alien beer. I'm kind of getting off track there a little bit.


Well, it's tangent to Tizana.


Monday we're still talking about aliens. But but this brewery, this beer garden out there that we were talking about, this half acre beer garden has covered bar seating area, horseshoe pits, bocce ball, tether ball, a pond Tether ball I haven't seen that forever here we have it.


Okay, yeah, the pond of barbecue grills. A band stands for live entertainment. They have a gazebo where you can sit down. There's a fire pit, like in the middle of this gazebo. You can sit down on the wooden chairs there's been weddings there and on the gazebo, when you're sitting on a chair enjoying your alien IPA beer, there's hops that grows on the gazebo. Oh, perfect, and it grows up the side and around the top and stuff. So that was kind of interesting to learn that about the place. In the fall of summer they have a lot of live music on their band shell that they have out there on their their lot a lot of food trucks. Interestingly, to right next to the brewery they also own another lot. That's all RV parking, oh, and hookup.


So well, there you go. I mean, I guess, if you're driving to middle of nowhere for three hours, Parked there for a little bit.


You can have as much alien beers you want and sleep in your RV.


There you go store. Yeah, less than hop-ducted.


If you can get your way to the RV, if you don't get hop-ducted in between. You know this is true.


This is, I wonder if they have a security for you. That's good, not those escorts. Careful, careful.


That's in the next state over. Oh yeah, it's a fairly one of New Mexico's oldest breweries. They brew up to 32 different beers. They've earned multiple different awards. The ones that have won awards green chili, cerveza, a cherry wheat beer, bone chiller, brown ale, sun chaser, pale ale, the alien amber ale has won some Awards, and actually we have some of that too. We might crack into that a little bit.


Oh right.


There we go. Yeah, according to tastingscom, the alien amber ale World beer awards in 2015 won the golden for the golden amber ale category. They won that category and at the New Mexico State Fair in 2015 they won a bronze at the English Brown mild category.


Hmm, some of those. You know I'm a sucker for you get a good name, like you're gonna get me every time, like I'm gonna try Whatever it is you got. So I mean I shouldn't qualify with if you got a good name. I'm just a sucker for beer, so that's. You get some sort of little gimmick or something like a fun-looking tap handle or whatever. You're gonna gain my attention. Kind of easy to sell on that or whatever. But I'd like to try. You know, like a handful of different kind of it sounds a lot of those sound like to be really good. Yeah, I mean it's obviously just based off the name. So it's.


You know it's hard to.


Did a good job with the naming convention. I guess we'll put it that way.


I agree with you. That's kind of what I was thinking when I was going through the different beers they have listed on their website. They do have four of the alien ones, but they're not named anything special. There's alien, so it's like the alien IPA that we're drinking now, alien amber ale, alien vanilla stout and alien imperial stout. I would like to try to find the vanilla stout. I've always wanted to try a vanilla beer.


I've read about sounds like it'd be interesting.


I never see them anywhere. But hmm, anybody out there knows, when you get a vanilla beer, send it my way, or send send me where I can get one, because I want to try a vanilla beer.


There you go. Hit us up in the comment section, wherever that may be on your favorite platform, social media. React to the reels. You respond on reels. Can you reply on reels? You can leave.


I feel like you can okay.


I feel like I've seen it, but I guess I don't know. I'm still learning some of this social media stuff. It's good thing we have Sean, the social media empire.


I have no clue what the hell I'm doing. It's so confusing. A real, a story, a post, like they're all different, they all do different things right. It's just right.


It's ridiculous, right? Well, once we make it beg air, we get like some you know rich investor like will hire somebody as a intern or something social media guru, if you work for a beer, let us know like.


Yeah, we could use a social media influencer, organizer, worker, real maker, whatever you want.


There we go. So that is in your LinkedIn profile.


To guys and beer at gmailcom. Here we'll send your resume to.


And my resume, like what kind of beers you like? That's, that's pretty much what. If you respond with just a bunch of really cheap light beers, like we'll call you.


Yeah, that's about it.


All I could find about this particular brewery not a whole lot of a lot Been around 20 some years.


I couldn't find out much of the history of it, anything other than it moved and grew and they have a RV park and Well, interesting alien themed beer, and so were you there?


Did you just get it nearby?


I got it nearby Okay beer in Roswell, which is about two hours from, was it Majority?


Moriarty, I think more already. Yeah, that's more yardy.


Moriarty okay which is where the brewery is located. Gotcha, I was a couple hours away. Okay, I didn't think. I'm getting alien beer and cows in Roswell.


Were you abducted.


I hopped up. It was a little bit that's how you ended up there had a tingling feeling. Oh, I just had to go get some one of the nearest liquor store and get some alien team beer things were fine.


There may be a three-hour gap in there, I don't remember, but you know it's, it's fine, I'm fine, everything's fine.


Yeah, roswell. If anybody ever gets a chance to go there, I would recommend you go to Roswell. It's it's an interesting city. It's a fairly large city, you know. Obviously their claim to fame is when the aliens crashed there, allegedly in what? 47, if I remember right when I was down there, something like that. But the whole downtown is all Big aliens. Of course they use the alien, oh, absolutely for everything. Like on the side of the bank there's a mural of an alien pulling money out of an ATM.


You know the bar, the barbershop has got aliens cutting hair. The Mexican restaurants got an alien with a sombrero on and a mustache. You know, like, like they use that theme, like you wouldn't believe, the McDonald's is a spaceship in Roswell.


So you literally get it Absolutely everything. I mean, I suppose you got to maximize on all the things. If you're the one place in town, it's like we have a pizza, it's round, or maybe they do a square pizza to try to like beat because around to be a saucer it would you know like. So maybe the our pizza square you can take your aliens away. Maybe they probably failed, that's probably why they don't exist anymore.


They have like an alien fest there every year where thousands of people come from all over and put on alien sunglasses. Is that?


what is at the time when they were gonna like rush area 51 or something like that. I remember they're gonna weren't thinking to like, on foot, try to attack the place, or something.


There was something about that. I had nothing to do with the alien fest. That had to do with Just people trying to attack the government. We're gonna storm area 51, you do that.


Yeah, I know, you know do not do that.


Yeah, that's the disclaimer.


Yeah, it's not rush area 51 you will get shot that sounds like one of those ideas that like I've had a couple 17 or 18 I'm being hop-ducted in my own mind here and now. This sounds like a really good idea, but like when you actually say it out loud, you know like let's rush a secure government facility, I don't care if there's aliens in there. I, what does matter? What's in there is not gonna work out. Well, just not gonna work.


Not at all. An area 51 is in Nevada too, so oh well, see there I was right state.


I was new. You know it's a little ways away here and off. I don't know why I always thought that was in Mexico. Maybe it's just the Roswell connection. I always thought that was part of Roswell or something in the crash landings about 75 miles northwest of Roswell.


okay, and actually take tours out to the crash site. They take tours out there, okay we did not do that. Because I didn't really need to see sand in the desert but it was, but there's disturbed like it was.


Moved by an unknown force in the 40s? Yeah, sure, I'm sure it was.


They've got alien museums there. We did partake in the alien museum which is actually in a set up, an old movie theater from the 30s Okay. So that was kind of neat and when we first walked in there I was like, hmm, I don't know what kind of alien stuff they're gonna have in museum. But they basically had like government documents and Movies all alien theme type movies, I like displays set up in there. They had they did have some artifacts from the crash landing which was like sand, yeah, a button that fell off on like an army officers uniform when they were recovering the debris, a few other things. I can't remember what it was, but it was like seven right things behind a glass case. You know that they recovered from the crash site.


I keep trying to think in my own mind and if you work there, like, definitely reach out, like I want to know more, I want to know more information. I would like to have a conversation with somebody that works there. How do you discern or how do you decide? This is something that's worth putting out there, but this is going too far. We, you know, like where's that, where's the line, like where you know what I'm saying. At some point, like, okay, we put a button from somebody that was out of the crash site, okay, it might be legit, but not for do that, you know, broke it off of whatever he was doing out there.


Lifting something or there may be like a bowl full of sand that was on the crash site, that looks green or whatever it may be. But if it's all of a sudden, like we have like the toe from an alien or whatever, but it's just like a long twig or something Like, is that is that where? Like where's and I know this gets into like conspiracy theory conversations and things like that and whatever, and I'm not, I don't want to go down that road yet, but just from that standpoint, like that's, if you're a curator I don't even know if a curator would be the right word for that, I suppose if it's the alien museum. But if you're the curator of that, like where, where do you think that you've gone too far with this stuff? Like do you have to physically verify it? Like nope, this is non biological material. This is, we can put it out there. Now, what? Okay, like I feel like that's a bigger thing, right, yeah, I don't know.


Like I was surprised when I went in there, like what are they even going to have on display for a museum? So a lot of movie themed stuff, a lot of photographs of lights in the sky with commercial airlines. You know a lot of like testimony from fighter pilots. You know a lot of fighter pilots always claim they see stuff you know, hence the term foo fighter. You know, from World War II that's where foo fighters comes about. Oh I didn't even know that, which is also an amazing band.


But I was just yeah, I thought that Dave Grohl just made that up.


But he probably comes from. Somewhere. Yeah, how?


was that? So there's a lot of photos of that type of stuff. There's video clips of interviews from officers that have been interviewed about aliens or UFOs, which is unidentified flying object. You didn't know that.


Which is also. That's one of those things I've learned over, you know, more recently. Whatever that like, people use that term and kind of broadly, but really it's an unidentified flight. It doesn't necessarily mean that it is a spaceship. It might just be like I don't know who's drone that is flying. That is a drone looking in my window trying to look at me try on different swimsuits or something. I don't know who's it is UFO. I don't think that that's ever happened, but you know.


That's pretty much the whole what you just said. Ufo is anything unidentified flying through the air, Anything that nobody can figure out, what they see zipping through the air.


I suppose they'd probably be able to actually be like hey, that's a drone, Even though I don't know who's it is Right.


Like now, though, they call it UAPs, which is unidentified anomalous phenomena, which is basically their explanation to describe any objects in the air, sea and space that defy easy explanation. Do you ever?


think that acronyms sometimes have just been around so long that government especially is like we need to come up with a different acronym, because people always know what a UFO is. Let's try to throw another acronym out there to make it fresh and new. Like I don't know, like I feel like that happens a lot. I was actually thinking that earlier today. It's weird, like I don't, and maybe it is like a better, more accurate description of the thing, but I feel like unidentified flying object kind of covers. That is literally what it is.


We don't need to change it to UAP, right? You know? Like, what's the difference? It's almost kind of goes back to post traumatic stress disorder is what they call it now, but 80 years ago it was called shell shock. Yep, maybe God bless all our American troops out there and servicemen and women that ever fought and did anything, even if you didn't fight and if you signed up. God bless you. Thank you so much, but I think it should still be called shell shock. I mean, maybe those people would actually get the care they deserve instead of it being called post traumatic stress, right, right.


And they've changed that name even so many times or whatever. You know with that too. But yeah, that's right.


Like every era of war, they call it something different. It's like come on, yeah, same kind of thing, ufo, uap, like UAP.


Yeah, Well, and that's you know. With the UFO, is there like a very large uptick in UFO, like foreign alien UFOs, that we need to have a separate subset of that to more clearly define that. Is that what's happening? Do we have more aliens visiting recently that now we have to have a different name for them?


They must be. I don't know. You know, I was thinking too not too long ago when we were grade schoolish. Aliens were kind of a thing, like they had, like those specials on channel five news, you know not channel five news, but they would do like a movie.


Crop circles Crop circles were everywhere.


And they disappeared for a while. And now, these last five, four or years, all of a sudden, like aliens are popping up all over again.


I haven't seen a good crop circle in I don't know how many years. What are you doing later?


We should be out there and start making one.


Okay, yep, yep, we'll cut that one from the record, don't worry about it. Keep it up, dr.


I wonder if they ever determined what made all those crop circles.


I don't know. More often than not, I hear it, which is it's so weird, because more often than not, I always heard that it was just like, well, you know, people wanted to get famous, so they took, like somebody stood in the middle and then took a rope and they pushed everything down. I'm like, well, that's great, but those are very intricate things. Or do you think that they just got here to, was aliens and they visited, like you know, ethel and Norman, and they're not ready for us yet? Gotta go? Yeah, it's possible.


They think they're not ready for us? Yeah, they're, supposedly they're intelligent.


I mean, I guess you know, like I don't know where they're coming from, but if they are able to get here, clearly they're able to bend some laws of well I guess you should say human laws of the thing or something I don't know Just because lights the fastest thing that we know of. Right, we haven't figured out warp speed yet. It's on Star Trek Voyager, I think they sort that out.


Well, apparently aliens haven't figured out. I don't know if they exist. Of course I haven't shared what my opinion is yet, but who knows? But did you see the other day on? Well, it was an article on Fox News. I don't typically watch mainstream media, but it just happened to be about aliens. Goldie Hahn, the old actress.


Goldie Hahn Yep, yep.


And she did publicly that she made contact with two or three extracurricular beings who touched her face when she was about 20 years old.


Was that when she was doing the movie? I just watched part of it, the other day, I don't know.


I don't know, I mean the movie she's in.


Ah see, now this is where people are going to come out of the woodwork. As they're listening online, they're going to be commenting like overboard, I don't remember what it was she basically. She was like a rich hoity-toity going to get married, whatever to this super rich family and she fell overboard. So I think it is overboard. But she knocked her noggin and couldn't remember anything. So Kurt Russell, who is poor, destitute and had six kids living in this shanty, picks her up and is like no, yeah, you were totally my wife. And she's like I don't think I was. I'm like, no, I'm pretty sure you were my wife and so you actually were in charge of the cooking, the cleaning and the taking care of all the kids. And the kids are like who is this lady? What's happening here? And eventually you know like it kind of was like a reverse weird homework thing where she fell for him instead of like the rich life or something. I think it's called overboard. I could be wrong. It was during that movie where she knocked her noggin.


It might have been. I wasn't sure who was touching her face when did that movie come out?


I don't know. I can't recall ever watching any movies with her, and I'm sure I have. But she said she was 20 years old and her story is she was is. She was working as a dancer in Anaheim, california. She remembers wishing to be visited by extraterrestrials. And she then said three or four months later she was dancing in West Covina, california, which is pretty close to the desert, and she asked one of her best friends if she could take a nap in his car. She was tired, it was rehearsal, she was a dancer, a lot of hard work.


As she was preparing to go sleep in the car, she heard a high pitch sound in her ear. She said the frequency was a high, high frequency which caused her to gaze out the car window and she saw these two or three triangular shaped heads. And then she went on to say they were silver in color, a slash for her mouth, tiny little nose and no ears, and they were pointing at her as if she was the subject of the conversation. She felt suddenly paralyzed. She didn't know if it was real or not, and she went on to say that she burst out of her state of paralysis like bursting out of a force field and later on she recalled they touched her face and her finger felt like the finger of God, that the finger of God was reaching on you and touching her forehead. So that's her story.


So let's recap. So she's a dancer, she's a dancer.


She's 20 years old. She's a dancer.


She's 20. And she's like I'm going to go take a nap in my buddy's car. She's famished.


She's wore out from her rehearsal I need to take a nap.


Do you have anything to help me with the napping part?


And then all of a sudden, just a taxi to my AMC Rebel out there.


So she goes to take the nap and then she wakes up with people looking and pointing at her. Okay, and they touched her face. Okay, I'm just making sure that I get the highlights of the math here, that you play the equation. I don't know how you test for Rufi's.


Like how you.


Okay, Especially back in her day because she's a little older now, right? Yeah, I mean, if she was in her 20s, that probably figured that. What's that? Could it be the 80s?


That's got to be the 80s, of course. She's 77 now, so 50 years ago.


So by my math, is older than me. Yeah, so 70s. Yeah, 70s, early 80s, something like that.


A lot of acid going on in the 70s.


Exactly yeah.


So I don't know. I'm not trying to laugh at it. It is funny but it's not funny, you know. I mean, if it really happened to her, that's pretty crazy. But of course, when you hear these stories it's kind of comical.


It seems like that description just seems like kind of there's I may be able to poke some holes through that kind of like poking her face. And if that happened, if that actually is what happened like you said, you know like, okay, we'll go with the bit.


So what do you think they were trying to do? If they're just like rubbing your cheek or like, like, like, I'm guessing it was probably like first responders feel like is she awake?


Is she alive? Like what's happening here? If it was aliens and they were trying to figure out what's going on, it was probably like they just landed and like what's the intelligent life here? Like here's a pile of goo that shaped like something like like I don't know if she's not responding, she just opens her eyes and they don't. You know. Like wait nothing. Okay, poker face again. Like lady Gaga poker face, poker face. There you go. That's how you wake her up. That's a good.


It must not be that intelligent, though, if they're just kind of like right, like it seems like these are not the like, the intelligent.


These guys are going to contact the government and want to have like relations, discussing global not global universal decrees and things like that. This seems like the aliens that were like Cleetus and Jeff, go take the spaceship for a ride. For a little while I got to do some dishes here Like just go and get out of here, you know what I mean. Like they don't seem like they skipped school to go and like let's go mess with the humans or something.


So do you think, if alien spaceship landed, you can actually get inside and fly it? No, absolutely not.


He's way, yeah, but he's way more talented than I was Like, do I think that this is so, this is and this is? I mean, this is a completely different question or whatever, but that was posed to me at one point because that was like a big question that was out there for a while. It's like if you were on a plane. Let's say you're on a commercial jetline and you are flying Delta, you are going to Aruba, you were on your way for vacation, it's going to be 37 below here for about a week and a half and you're going to spend the entire time on the beach with some cocktails toes in the water, ass in the sand. Cocktails, alien IPA.


You have a couple of those on your left hand. All of the things are working for you, but the pilot now has a massive issue. The pilot is confused and panicking and passes out and they say can you fly the plane? You can maybe get some assistance, you know, through the, through the old headphones or something like that or whatever that was. The question is like could you do you feel like you would be able to fly and or land a commercial jetliner? I kind of think I'd be able to figure it out if I got somebody coaching me on how to be able to do it.


I've watched enough air disasters on the Smithsonian channel. Absolutely, I can fly any plane with any, any problem, 100% Flaps down, power up.


Exactly, Put the gear down and just touch that thing right to the. There we go. But as far as the alien spaceship, if I were to get into that thing, I don't think that there's a chance that I'd be able to fly that.


Well, the technology is so advanced it's probably just like forward and back. That's true.


I probably don't, I don't, I gotta have the, I gotta have the link bracelet to be able to access the remote start, and then I can just mind, melt, you know, like all right, and the Saturn beep, and then there we go. Yeah, I don't think I have my doubts. Maybe I could, I don't know, maybe I I'm not really that talented of a guy. Maybe I could, I could figure it out.


I tend to figure things out. I take a drink that you can figure.


There we go.


I appreciate the support there, that's as they say, I can fumble off my way through sometimes. That's what I'm here for. So this summer did you see that whole congressional hearing about aliens?


I didn't see a lot of it, but I did see there was like clips that showed up on Facebook and you know stuff that filters down to everywhere. But I did see there was a I don't know what rank he was or what was going on. But the guy that was a part of the thing that said oh yeah, we had some stuff there and it was non biological, like I seen that and I was like, oh okay, well, all right, there's something.


Yeah, I mean, I guess when there's a congressional committee and drilling people about UFOs and whatnot. So yeah, this summer it was three military veterans at testifying Congress to the House oversight and accountability subcommittee hearing on UFOs. One of them, his name was Ryan Graves. He's the executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace. Did anybody even know that's even a position? Ryan Graves, an executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace?


I think he was the shortstop on one of the teams that played baseball this year. How much are we paying him?


to do this job. We already pay enough in taxes, but now we're paying for a director of Americans for Safe Aerospace.


And you see, if you say there's a director, that entails or that insinuates, I guess, that there is multiple support staff, cause you're not just a director. If you're just the one guy, I'm assuming there is support in it of some sort, multiple.




This guy probably has a whole building that he works with, but carry on.


It certainly might have to Google what this guy does. Also, there is a David Grouch. He's a retired Air Force major. And there was also another gentleman that was on this hearing, david Favor. He's a retired Navy commander. So they were in there on Congress getting questions by this accountability subcommittee. They all claimed that the US government has operated a secret multi-decade reverse engineering program of recovered vessels. They also claimed the US has recovered non-human biologics from the alleged crash sites, adding that that was the assessment of the people with direct knowledge on the UAP. And again, the UAP is unidentified, anomalous phenomenon. Uap.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but there's a certain part of me that's like let's say all of those things are true. They are like reverse engineering from like this you know this this guy yeah, they function.


Yeah, both NERP crashed his thing into the side of the mountain or something and we have now created all of this technology. And now they're having this whole discussion or whatever. In my side of it I'm kind of like that's fine, I don't care. Why is that a problem Like? It seems it seems rather efficient to come up with generations worth of technology rapidly. It seems good, it seems positive, it seems like a step in the right direction. Why are we all of a sudden having hearings? They're like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You with the progress. Come over here, oversight committee. We need to have a chat about how you came up with that progress.


Well, I have a theory about it. I'll tell you in a minute.


It seems like a good thing.


It could be, but my theory that I'll explain a little bit is not really a good thing. But fair, I'll tell you my theory on the whole thing. That's when we put our tinfoil hats on and that's where we dive in a little bit there.


That's where we get deep.


Yeah, but retired major David Grouch went from being part of the Pentagon's UAP task force to becoming a whistleblower. He told the house oversight committee that he had been denied access to some government UFL programs, but he knows the exact locations of the UAPs in US possession. However, he did say he hasn't personally seen any alien vehicles or bodies and that his opinions are based on the accounts of over 40 witnesses he interviewed over four years in his role with the UAP task force. His testimony is based on information he has been given by individuals with a longstanding track record of legitimacy and service to this country, according to him, right. So is this kind of like?


the UAP task force. Okay.


So this is kind of like hearsay now, right, because we're just getting his information, right.


This guy said that. I asked some other guys that heard at Starbucks over a welcome Might have been terrible, but likely Starbucks.


Apparently many of these people who shared evidence with him in the form of photography, official documentation and classified oral testimony. He added that this trove of evidence that he's been involved with has been intentionally kept from Congress.


Why? What does Congress need to do with that?


Well, I suppose they fund whatever is funding. You know, these people have to be funded somewhere, right? Well, congress, right, that's, their job is to fund whatever Right.


But I feel like it's kind of like all right, give two or three of the best and brightest in opportunity to be able to like yeah, this is legit, we need to give them some money. And then the rest of the people that just got elected because they were the most popular football player probably don't need to know all of this alien details. But that's again just me, in my opinion.


But yeah, if you watch the clip on YouTube. I watched some of them. It was interesting that the congressional members that were asking him these questions were asking him if he had any contact with aliens or whether anyone had been murdered to cover up information about extraterrestrial technology. Ralf said he couldn't comment. He only would elaborate in the skiff. If you don't know what a skiff is, that's where the president of the views, documents and nothing can kind of get in or out.


So yeah, he said he would only answer some of their questions in the skiff with documentation. So I don't know, but why report all this now?


Right yeah, what prompted? Why is this a big deal. What prompted this to all of a sudden pop up? Well, I have a theory. Okay, theory time.


Is this where the hats come out? I'm not quite to the theory yet.




And really I don't know that we need to.


I'm still folding the hat. We're still working on that. I'm not quite there yet.


Get the tinfoil hats ready, and I don't even know if you would need a tinfoil hat. I think my theory is pretty solid If I have a pretty good track record of. Well, I don't have a good track record, but government does a lot of things.


Our government.


Our government Wait this one Okay. The United States government. There we go. Yeah, interesting about all this stuff. Thanks for watching that movie, snowden.


I have not seen it. I've seen that it exists.


What's the actor's name? Joseph?


Gordon, joseph Gordon, levitt, levitt. Yeah, there we go Awesome actor. Yeah, he's fantastic.


I've seen Snowden Great movie and it's actually depicted in part of that movie. But if you actually watch interviews with Edward Snowden he talks about it when he had the most highest clearance. Whatever he can find, any file he wanted, going to any system he wanted, he said he personally looked for alien stuff because he was interested.


He said oh, can I find this?


He said he didn't find a single file on any government database having to do with aliens. Well, it's probably in this.




So that's kind of interesting. I mean, he had pretty much clearance to see anything he wanted and he said he couldn't find any files or anything about aliens. Well, I mean, so who knows, yeah, who knows Right, huh? And that goes on to my next point. I just watched this, maybe two months ago. You ever heard of Bob Lazar? No, so there's a documentary. It's actually on Netflix now. It's called Bob Lazar, area 51 and Flying Saucers. So he became a whistleblower in the late 80s I don't remember exactly when 87, 88, 89, somewhere in there. And the documentary is pretty interesting when he actually got re-interviewed again a couple years ago in the beginning of the interview he's like I don't know why you're talking to me again.


I've already given you everything that I know back in the 80s, Like I'll do one more interview. He hadn't even speaking publicly about it in over 20 years. He's like I'll give you one more interview but I can't tell you anything that I didn't tell you in the 80s. But basically, bob Lazar claims he was hired to reverse engineer extra textual technology, which is interesting. He said that in the 80s. Well, if you go back to that congressional hearing, that one guy said that he's got information or evidence suggesting that we reversed, engineered extra trustee of technology and apparently this work was supposedly occurred at a secret site called S4, which I did a little research on that and that's actually been confirmed to exist by the United States government which is not it's close to Area 51, but it's not at the Area 51 base. It's a little bit away, but they have confirmed that S4 does exist.


So Area 51 is where they skipped it bounced it's OK.


Like skipping a rock on one. Yeah, it was a saucer, it's a ring.


Like I don't know.


So S4 has been confirmed to exist close to Area 51. And Bob Lazar talks about that in his interview from the 80s and talks about that in his interview in the 80s, and he claims to have examined alien craft and red US government documents that described alien involvement in human affairs. I found that kind of interesting, because that comes all the way back from the 80s. He's talking about that stuff and the same thing he talked about a couple of years ago when they brought it up again. What's interesting about Bob Lazar, though, of course, is he has not changed his story since the 80s. When they interviewed him again just a few years ago, in 2018, his story was the same. They didn't change. He hasn't changed anything of his story.


They even put side-by-side shots on of his most recent interview and his interview from the 80s, and they're exactly the same as much as you possibly can without reviewing him and, of course, a couple words were changed, but the same general premise, the same general idea. What he was trying to say when he was a whistleblower was the same from 2018 till back then, and also when he was interviewing in 2018, he talked about in order to get into the S4, he had to put his hand on the scanner and the scanner would scan bone density in your hands and that's how you get access to the S4 facility. And the guy that interviewed him in 2018 actually said handed him some pictures. And Bob Azar looked at the photos and he kind of lit up and chuckled and it was like I can't believe you have photos of these. I never, ever, thought I would see one of these hand scanners again on how he got in there. So it's kind of interesting how his same story is basically the same for 30 years. It didn't change anything at all.


Because that's usually either multiple times being questioned or time like there's variances and you remember things different.


Catch them in something that's pretty much dead. On both times. He never claims to have seen alien bodies. He does claim to have seen, maybe like a dummy of an alien, when he was walking through S4, he said he turned to the left and saw something on like a gurney in there. But he said I couldn't make out what it was. He wasn't responsible for anything. He was responsible for reverse engineering the spacecraft that apparently we have and trying to figure out how it worked and how we can use that technology. So that was Bob Lazar.


If you get a chance, watch the documentary on Netflix, bob Lazar, area 51 and Flying Saucers Pretty interesting on how all that works. Just watching it, whether you believe it or not. It was interesting to me and I'll tell you my honest opinion. I don't believe aliens exist. They could, but it's just. I can't get into it if people believe it and they feel like they've been abducted and like it's more power to you. I don't disbelieve you, but in order for me to believe in aliens, the saucer would literally have to land right out in the front yard here and an alien would have to walk out. Give me a high five. I would literally have to walk on to the spacecraft in order for me to believe it. So you can see whether you could fly it.


Right, that's the first thing I would do, because I want my proud license and that's what I'd be flying, which we need to get that figured out too, but that's a whole separate conversation. So I don't personally believe aliens exist. I mean they could. I certainly am not saying they don't, it's just my personal belief. So I'm not have to really see to believe. But I find an interesting haul as an alien talk has been coming back. Right, but I'll tell you my theory. You seem kind of abrupt.




So what's your? Do you believe in aliens? I'll let you go ahead and answer now.


Well, I think I probably kind of I don't know if it's a Switzerland type of answer, but I'm kind of almost in between. A little bit of that I guess I would probably have to say. I feel like aliens probably do exist, because it's a big frickin universe out there. Do I think that they've been here? I'm a little bit less convinced of that. I'm a little bit closer in the. I'm sure that they're out there.


But I've also seen the limitations of time travel. Space travel, not necessarily time travel. Space travel like just how to cross great distances, like it seems kind of excessive. So if they've been here, where do they come from? And how many generations were on that ship to get here? It just seems like too many things to overcome. But if they've been here, I mean clearly they have better technology than what we have. So I gotta believe that there's life out there somewhere. But I have no idea where and nothing to base that on whatsoever. It just is, it's one of those things is it's a big frickin sky, there's a lot out there, there's a lot going on, we are awfully kind of small, and so I gotta believe that there's something somewhere.


As far as intelligent life, I would assume. Maybe so, like civilizations much older than us, some that are probably right now, that are probably dirt, that are worms crawling around or something. I don't know. But yeah, as far as if they've been here or not, I don't know. That's the other part too. Like it's a big frickin sky. How did they end up here? Like, of all places? Maybe they got to Mars and they're like well, we've covered seven of the planet, so it's fine. So we're gonna head back. Maybe, I don't know, I suppose I'll only be six of them, because it'd be Earth, mercury, okay, whatever, math was not my strong, but I don't know. Maybe they figured it out, they figured out the answers, and they crashed here by an accident and they were late get home for supper and so somebody came back to check on them 25 years later or something. I don't know.


So, yeah.


Is that really an answer? I mean yes, but no. That's answering enough. I guess that's kind of how we look at it. You know, I don't know.


Yeah, I just don't buy it. I just have a hard time with it. I just don't buy they exist. I mean, maybe they do. I don't discount anybody that believes that. Believe what you want. I just I can't get into that. But this is I do find it interesting, I'm willing to watch documentaries about it, I'm willing to learn more about it. I just I can't quite get behind it. Well, I'll tell you my theory. So here's my theory about why aliens and everything is kind of making a comeback and this kind of goes in with government. It's not because it's retro, it is not retro.


Okay, okay, they're advanced.


Everything old is new again. So if you get into government and politics and world government and stuff, even back when the first George Bush ran the company, ran the company.


Well, I mean, yes, we're a company.


We're an empire. You know they talk about one world government. They don't want multiple governments on earth. They want money, power, greed, control, all those people in power. Well, so here's my theory behind it, Government lies all the time. They lie to get us in war, which has been proven time and time again. And so what if governments always had technology that we don't know exists?


That's what they do.


You know the atomic bomb. They had GPS in the 70s. Well, we didn't even get access to that until about the late 90s, early 2000s for civilian use. The stealth bomber, the SR-71 Blackbird that could fly in space and it was so fast it could fly away from missiles when Russia shot at it. So we have all this and those are built in the 60s. Right, you know that type of technology.


I said all this type of technology, so it wouldn't surprise me if in these bases we had technology of these ships that can go left right up down propulsion that the governments won't release to us, right? So they use this guy's aliens to gain control over everybody, kind of like COVID, and I'll tell you why. So if we have this technology where you can go left, right up down, propel, propulsion, no, exhaust, fast as you want, what if we only the government decided to build 50 of those craft? Let's just say they exist? Well, you know, it's the one-world government that's got ultimate control and they gotta control the population and the people. What if you stage an alien invasion? What's their rules going to be? They'll kill some people. These new flying craft are going to come, come that we've never seen, like an SR-71 or a stealth bomber, and then everybody's going to clamor for the government to protect them, right? So it could very well be a theory where the government is slowly leaking a little more stuff about yes, aliens exist. Yes, we have non-biologics.


And then, all of a sudden, they show up.


And there they are and they start attacking people and killing people. Oh, no you all have to huddle up here, because we're going to protect you.


Hundreds and hundreds of years, Nothing's happened. But now all of a sudden they start bringing it up and kind of change everything.


So that's my tin hat theory behind it. Like what if it's not out of the realm of possibility where government could be planning something like that just to gain ultimate control over people?


That's my theory anyways, huh yeah, I don't know that I have a theory. I don't have a counter theory, now that I have to have a counter theory, but I don't really have a theory of my own. I just think it's odd that it's all come out, but I don't know, maybe somebody found an extra button on the desert or something like that A thimble or a couple grains of sand that were burnt up.


It's true. Yeah, these ones are way darker than the rest of them, so clearly this is the trail off of the jet stream, space stream, saucer stream they don't even have streams.


They don't leave, they don't emit anything you watch all those reports from Navy pilots and fighter pilots. There's no exhaust, there's no nothing that come out of these supposed craft. Huh, interesting.


I want to be fun to drive one, though, sure would I watched a clip earlier of our fighter jets.


couldn't even stay locked onto these things. Whatever it was flying through there, these UFOs or these dots just flying over, fasten you and be like our radar. You could seek, because Pentagon released these videos of our radar trying to catch up and it couldn't catch up and stuff and there was no trail and nothing. So it's interesting.


And do you think that they've already made 1550, or whatever you were saying, of those ships? And that was actually just them testing on other pilots just like testing. Go ahead, catch me if you can. You ever watched a movie Broken Arrow or they fly through the needles? I've never watched that kind of thing. They're trying to find you got to test everything Right.


I mean it could be. I mean we've got a guy in the 80s saying he reversed engineered the stuff. You got this other guy just recently as this summer saying we reverse engineered stuff. I don't know it could be. Yeah, I mean it may not be either. It could just be the tin hat theory, Right, you never know. I mean, if you're going to believe in aliens you know you may as well believe in anything else. You know you fly over people. What a better way to do it, yeah.


Yeah, flying. Nobody unites people craft More than either hatred or fear of something else Pretty much.


You know you fly in 50 craft you've never seen before. Kill some people, oh, government, it's alien invasion, everybody, oh, we got to protect everybody. And then there go your rights and your freedoms, and you know you're doing what you're told, right.


Maybe I don't know, I would be one of those.


Tell people it doesn't even matter what you're told.


Yeah, so that's our I guess that's our tale of the old Sierra Blanca brewing company out of Moriarty, new Mexico. Alien IPA is what we had. Multiple different kinds that are out there, though, and a little bit of alien talk and a little bit of government conspiracy potential talk, and a little bit of everything that we kind of covered on this episode. So, sean, anything more to add?


No, just if you let us know your thoughts on aliens and comments on any of our social media platforms. I'm just curious what you guys think, If you believe in them. If you don't believe them, just let us know. Or all the social media platforms, all the podcast platforms. Thanks a lot, everybody.


And if you have another beer, you'd like us to be able to try and drop that in the comments as well. This was our tale of the Sierra Blanca, and many more to come here in the future Facebook, twitter, youtube, rumble, all of the different social media platforms, of course, all of your major podcast platforms as well. So definitely like, share, subscribe, tell your friends, tell your family, tell your enemies, I guess, and whoever it is, it will want to listen to it or whatever. But, yeah, definitely let us know, you know, your thoughts on the episode today or something you'd like to be able to hear us talk about in the future. So that's our episode on Sierra Blanca with Alien IPA. Until next time, have a good night everybody. Thanks, god bless.

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