TwoGuys & Beer
The Two Guys & Beer Podcast is a laid-back conversational show that combines the love of beer with a wide range of topics that pique the hosts' interest. These two guys, use beer as a launching pad for discussions on anything and everything that grabs our attention!
TwoGuys & Beer
Sprinting through Sips and Stories with Indeed Brewing
Lace up your running shoes for a chatty sprint through the Craft Brewery Running Series, where we blend our love for craft beer with our passion for pounding the pavement. As we reminisce over my escapades in these spirited runs, including the laughter-packed 0.5K brewery connector, expect to be inspired by the sense of community and charity that these events foster. We'll even sketch out a potential road trip to indulge in more brewery-centric venues, promising tales of food trucks, music, and frothy finishes.
The conversation then shifts from the clinking of beer glasses to the swish of basketball nets, as we candidly unpack Draymond Green's court-side controversies and reflect on how athletes' behavior can cast a shadow over their skills. From the echoes of Dennis Rodman's colorful persona to the shifting tides of the NBA's physicality, join us for a discussion that's as rich and varied as the hops in your pint glass. So grab your favorite brew, kick back, and dive into a conversation that's as robust as the flavors in your glass.
All right and welcome in once again to yet another episode of Two Guys and Beer, the podcast where we delve into the history and background of different breweries, talk a little bit about a certain beer and join us as we take you on the tour of Indeed Brewing Company out of Minneapolis. Today we're going to be drinking the Blue Dream Honey IPA, so kind of a mixed pack. So if you're looking for a mixed pack, that's kind of the one we're going to be looking for. So I'll bring in Sean Field here to the podcast. And Sean, we're back yet again. We are now to a baker's dozen. We had the 12 pack last week but now we get the. So we had the 12 beers and now we get the donuts. Is that where we come up?
Speaker 2:with this yeah, we couldn't get the donuts. Now I suppose the baker's dozen I prefer the beer, but you know Well, you got to have something to wash the beer down with. Mind a donut every once in a while. Wash the beer down with a donut. There we go.
Speaker 1:Usually, I wash it down with pizza, which may or may not be on the agenda, yet to date too, but I wonder how you could work that into a 13 with the pizza, the square root of pie, with the pie there it is To be pie. It's a pizza pie. No, we got it. We took a minute, but we got there.
Speaker 2:You know what you're doing. There we are.
Speaker 1:So today, episode 13, talking, indeed, brewing company out of Minneapolis. Been there a couple of times, haven't there for a few years, but it's kind of a nice little brewery, not a huge brewery, but they do have a decent distributorship, I guess to a certain extent. I don't have specific numbers as far as what they have. They don't have a ton of information out there, but they do have quite a few things that they do push out there and they do distribute a pretty wide map.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I've seen them at many different establishments bars, local bars and taverns and a lot of liquor stores carry a lot of their products in the liquor stores.
Speaker 1:They're definitely through a lot of Minnesota for sure. I was just looking at their map a little bit ago. It's mostly kind of a regional beer there is. It's very heavy obviously through the cities and then kind of all throughout Minnesota. The only spot that they really don't have is kind of the southwest corner. So apparently Marshall does not like indeed.
Speaker 2:What's wrong with Marshall?
Speaker 1:Well, I think it almost looks like it kind of follows the interstate, so it might be more of a easy to get there. But there's a couple of places that have it on tap and they sell it in a Milwaukee Chicago area. Well, what?
Speaker 2:do they drink in Marshall Schmidt?
Speaker 1:Well, there is a what is the brewery that's down there? Brow Brothers. There is a brewery in Marshall. I'm trying to remember what it is. Brow Brothers, I believe, is what it is. I've never been down there.
Speaker 2:Maybe we'll have to go down there. Another trip there we go. Another trip, another brewery, another live broadcast. Well, not a live broadcast, but a podcast episode in a brewery. Record it on location. Record it on location. There we go See you've got the words.
Speaker 1:Brow Brothers is the tap room, that Brew Pub that is in Marshall. But yeah, if nothing else, we'll head down there. We'll try to see what's going on. Ask them what the problem is. What's your issue with our good beers here? But there's also all over the place in North Dakota too, but that's about as far as it goes. So it's mostly just kind of upper Midwest. So if you're listening, unfortunately in Texas, our friends from Texas that have listened in to multiple episodes. Reach out to us, make a comment on social media. Maybe we'll send you because we're not allowed to, but we'll figure something out, we'll get you hooked up with something there.
Speaker 1:So if there's anybody in Florida, let me know, because I might just go to Florida for spring training for the twerks. There we go, why wouldn't I?
Speaker 2:Bring some, indeed beer right down there for them.
Speaker 1:Absolutely so we'll get that set up out there. So if you can't find it, maybe just pick your random a Honey IPA. If you're able to find one, I'm kind of interested because it's a Honey IPA Usually. I've seen some Honey Ales or some Honey Lagers, but not like the full IPA, not a Honey IPA To a certain extent. So it's going to be kind of interesting to be able to check that one out. So best part of the podcast, first and foremost.
Speaker 2:Here we go. It's my favorite part. That's such a good sound. Oh, it's just amazing. It's just amazing.
Speaker 1:It's just amazing. It's almost I do like it. I almost prefer bottled beer just because I like the glass and it feels the clean and the clinking. I do like that. But the pop on the top on a can just at last, when it actually releases, I mean you get the first initial, but when it actually pops, I do love that sound. It is a good sound.
Speaker 2:Music to my ears Very soothing.
Speaker 1:Absolutely so. This is, let's mention, a Honey IPA. Try to get it where I can read it. It's printed sideways. I should have grabbed a second one so I could read it, or maybe just read it beforehand, but it's fine. Notes of citrus, honey and pine, citrus and honey. Not terribly surprising because it is a blue dream honey IPA. Did you use some more citrusy type of hops in with this one? But the pine will be kind of I think that'll be kind of part of the IPA portion, but also just kind of adding to some of that type of flavor to it. So that'll be kind of interesting to have in there.
Speaker 2:I've noticed here too. As the beer is, it pours pretty light. It's a pretty light amber looking color. It's not a dark amber. Ipas are usually darker looking beers. This one's actually pretty light looking beer, like a lager as you pour it into a glass.
Speaker 1:And this one by the numbers. We like to go through the numbers as we get this start going here. The ABV is 6.4% for this 12 ounce. Can I don't have a? What was the other one, the EDC? Was that the number that?
Speaker 2:you had. Yeah, that is the color of the beer, the EDC.
Speaker 1:I do not have that number handy on this one particularly, but the IBUs is a 65. So a little higher, but I mean that's an IPA.
Speaker 2:You're going to have the number is going to be moving that direction so. The erratically. It should be fairly bitter than a 65.
Speaker 1:Well, let's find out.
Speaker 2:We will see.
Speaker 1:Interesting. It's definitely an IPA, but there's a flavor that's very distinct that I'm trying to put my finger on, because there's a little bit of a honey flavor to it and I can kind of see where they're getting the pine from to a certain extent.
Speaker 2:A little, citrusy Pine a little bit, but there's a.
Speaker 1:it's going to drive me nuts, but there's a very distinct flavor. That's right there in the middle.
Speaker 2:See, I'm not getting the honey flavor at all on this. I can't taste. I can Taste the citrusy a little bit. I can definitely tell the pine the Ibu of 65 that I'm getting. Maybe it's just a pine. I'm not getting it for an Ibu of 65. This doesn't seem that bitter to me at all.
Speaker 1:No, it's not too bitter at all which really that I be.
Speaker 2:Ratings a theoretical rating. Right, but right Theoretically, the higher the number, of course, the bitter it is, but this is not a bitter beard on goes down real light. Yeah, it's a real light, a real light IPA. So if you're not a not typical IPA drinker, this would be one you definitely want to try, because it is super light. It almost drinks like a light beer pretty much.
Speaker 1:I think the flavors that I'm kind of getting are almost some of the. If you've ever gone to how do I put it a slightly more upscale Establishment or like on a cruise, you know you don't order just like a gin and tonic and you get, you know, like a Rail gin with some whatever tonic on the gun or something like that. Like you're gonna get like Good tonic water from like a fever tree or something and you're gonna get like Kendrick's gin or something like that. But you're also gonna get like a bunch of aromatics. They're gonna put some spices in there, they're gonna put some star anise in there, they're gonna put some peppercorns in there, some things like that and gins.
Speaker 1:Usually people are people that don't like gin. I don't necessarily get a lot of it, but people that don't like gin. It tastes like pine needles to them. I can see where, like, the pine type of flavor is there, but I'm getting almost some of those Aromatics that you would get with some of that kind of those sure earthy kind of. You know, maybe that's just what they're describing is the pine and I just learning how my taste buds work, but that's kind of almost where, like, I'm getting kind of that aromatic type of flavor to it, the flavor flay, if you will sure, yeah, I'm kind of getting the pine and kind of the aftertaste.
Speaker 2:You know I've been doing a lot of traveling and going in a lot of woods high up in the mountains and it kind of has a a pine smell up in the high of mountains and the Appalachians and like the Carolinas and that's what I'm kind of getting on. The aftertaste in here is the smell when I was walking up there. It's kind of the aftertaste on here, that kind of slight pine type flavor on the aftertaste. I'm still not picking up any of the honey, but the citrus I can tell. Are you getting any of the honey yet?
Speaker 1:You're my just crazy here Just a very faint little bit, and maybe it's just because it says honey and so my mind is thinking that. But maybe that's what's kind of Cutting some of the bitterness, maybe that's what's kind of it's less of flavor and it's more just kind of a smoother. Is that the right way to be able to put it? I'm sure Brandon would probably listening and judging me right now. It's like no, it's, it's not that word, it's this word, but that's kind of almost it's. It's kind of what it seems like it's doing in a way.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I can see that for sure. The honey taking away some of the bitterness with the higher I be rating for sure. So that's pretty good though I like it. Yeah, I would drink another can of this for sure, or?
Speaker 1:to blue dream honey IPA. Hmm, so indeed, brewing, that's what we're talking about today, indeed, indeed.
Speaker 2:Sounded like a radio voice. Indeed, indeed, this.
Speaker 1:Christmas, I don't know. Well, you know you got to source the water.
Speaker 2:So, where it comes from, be really tough to be able to do it here. I got some rough water to be able to work with.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna have to up my order from Colligan. Let's hear you de brewing company Cultivating a artfully eclectic lineup of beers from the heart of Minneapolis and Milwaukee.
Speaker 1:So, that's news to me. I'm familiar with the tap room in Minneapolis, kind of in the Northeast area. It's in a way kind of tucked back just a little bit. It's kind of like a block or two from I don't remember what school it is, but it's in kind of a nice little area, kind of back from everything. But it's I don't know, it was at least in the summertime when I was there, the one, the one time. See, if I can't find out what school or park it's by, maybe it's just by a park and I just ran by there.
Speaker 1:A lot of these like I'm familiar with because we did for the longest time me and my wife and some other family members would do. We were involved with an organization and I say involved like we went and did it the brewery running series. They do a 5k, 5k ish. It's not really like an exact 5k. Sometimes it's a little bit short, not usually longer, but you know sometimes they can block or too short, but it's not really timed. You time yourself, they just have an archway you kind of run through. It's more getting out and being able to experience things. You know what I mean going to different breweries. The registration comes with, you know, like a beer or two, depending on which one you're going to and how you register.
Speaker 2:Lots of really cool things and they don't still do it. Oh yeah, oh yeah it's.
Speaker 1:It's it started. Oh, no, it's. Yeah, you know, if they're listening, if Morgan or, you know, nate are listening, they're gonna judge me for not having all of the information here, but it started. I want to say, either last year or two years ago was their 10-year anniversary and my wife Amanda was actually at the first one that they did at full at Fulton brewery in in Minneapolis. As part of it was a international or national run for beer day, and so it was like on like a Wednesday or something weird.
Speaker 2:It seems like a lot of work, though.
Speaker 1:Run for beer. It kind of does to a certain extent.
Speaker 1:But you know they say that beer in moderation, that's what they always get with that one that it's actually a really good recovery drink for people that run because it's got a lot of things to it, like it's not just water, like it does have some flavors, but it also has nutrients and other stuff to be able to help with recovery. So it's actually kind of a good thing to be able to add with that. But yeah, they're a little bit more than a decade in. They started, like I said, just a handful of events through the summer or whatever, and we've gone to. We've peaked a couple of years ago. I think that I've just become too busy to make it too many of them. I think I went to about five or six of them last year. I signed up for 12. I went to one half of them. You know you run out of time but it's a great organization but they're fantastic, but they do probably 60 of them a year In.
Speaker 2:Minnesota. Here Maybe it's less than 60. Or just countrywide.
Speaker 1:So it originally started in Minneapolis. It was on Nate and Morgan started at yeah, just in Minneapolis just doing it locally. Here it is expanded into. You know, like I said, not 60, but quite a few. I think it's probably close to maybe 50 different runs they do throughout the course of the year. They start in like April and they go all the way through. There's a beer dash at the beginning of December that they do. That one's always the funnest one, because for the longest time it was a 0.5K, so it was like and it was actually between two brewers.
Speaker 1:So you actually started at one, ran to the other one and then you would have to run back to complete the 0.5K, so it was phenomenal. But, yeah, so they've expanded like quite a bit here. But then they've also had some friends and family members that have been involved in that that have moved to different places and now they're in a whole pile of different states there In the world at least they were. You'd have to check out their website for like the current information, but they're in probably 15 states now they're becoming very nationwide.
Speaker 2:That's pretty cool Wisconsin.
Speaker 1:Colorado, iowa. They were in Hawaii for a little bit. I actually did probably two or three of them in Florida when I'd go down for a cruise. It would time out that we would have a run like either the day before or the day after a cruise, and so we'd go and do a 5K and drink beer and just be on vacation.
Speaker 2:Wow nice.
Speaker 1:It was a lot of fun, it was really cool. But they're great, they donate basically, like I mean, they pay for what they're doing but like beyond that, the proceeds go to like local non-profits for a whole bunch of different things.
Speaker 2:So that's nice when people give back on events like that.
Speaker 1:It is very so these runs they do?
Speaker 2:is it for a specific brewery or is it just random runs they put together that go from brewery to brewery or brewery to bar?
Speaker 1:No, it's usually at one brewery and you just run out whether it's a loop or an out and back or something like that. So like this one. For Indeed you probably run by like two or three different breweries just because Northeast you can't throw a rock in any direction with a brewery.
Speaker 2:So do you take a little break and kind of detour into one for a pint and then, back out on the track.
Speaker 1:It's not part of it, but I'm not going to say that it didn't happen at all. But you got to make sure you have your watch with the Apple Pay or the. Garmin Pay to be able to do that. But yeah, I mean it's just, you just run on the city streets. They don't close the streets. They usually have volunteers working for corners to be able to turn and know where you're going, but otherwise they don't close the streets. So you're kind of just running on sidewalks and things like that.
Speaker 2:Trying to dodge traffic. Pretty much yeah and bullets.
Speaker 1:It's a giant game of Frogger, so they want you to try the beer afterwards it is Minneapolis.
Speaker 2:So you're kind of dodging a little bit of everything these days.
Speaker 1:You're kind of getting into a lot there, but it's worth it when you're drinking beer, absolutely. So yeah, they're kind of down. It's a Logan Park is the one that's kind of next to Indeed here, so but yeah, it was a brewery running series One of the first times that I was there. But it's kind of a nice little tap room. It's not like a massive, you know, like you think like a Surly or a Coors Not that Coors has a tap room, but you know what I'm saying, like a massive tap room area. They have a decent side tap room there in Minneapolis and especially in the summer, it's a really nice area to be able to sit outside. They usually have like food trucks and some music and stuff and they actually have on their wall like hops growing up the side of the wall. It's kind of an older brick building that's down there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's a really cool kind of deal. It's a lot of fun. Solar Arts Building, I think is what it's called. But it's here Northeast 15th Avenue and Quincy in that area, so kind of Northeast dish of Minneapolis, northeast Park, just on the other side of the railroad. So yeah, it's kind of a cool you know little place or whatever kind of in that area. But yeah, it's here Brewery and Tap Room in the Solar Arts Building, located in the Logan Park neighborhood of Northeast Minneapolis, which is a lot to say, because I thought that Northeast was the neighborhood of Minneapolis.
Speaker 1:So it's the neighborhood, within the neighborhood of the city, which is a neighborhood In Northeast yes, minneapolis. And then a pilot brewery and tap room located in Walker's Point neighborhood of Milwaukee. So I've been to Milwaukee a handful of times but I have not been there. I did not know that they had one there, so never been there in Milwaukee either. Maybe this year I'll have to road trip, road trip Because you know so okay.
Speaker 2:So now, we're going to Milwaukee. We got to go Because my craft is out in Milwaukee. Now we got indeed out in Milwaukee.
Speaker 1:And then we were talking about whether something in Chicago we were going to maybe go and try to hit on the way to Kansas City and then onto Shells on the way back.
Speaker 2:Right, but I forgot what's in Chicago. But we'll find some beer in Chicago and Goose Island is in Chicago, so that's what I'm totally in for that.
Speaker 1:So that's a fantastic option for sure, but now we need all the listeners and beer masters out there to hold us to this stuff. We're going to talk about it all along.
Speaker 2:You always make all these plans, but they never come to fruition. So Exactly so we need to do it.
Speaker 1:Keep us honest on this. You know like reach out on the social media platforms. You know Facebook, twitter, x, whatever you want to call it Instagram, youtube, rumble.
Speaker 2:Whatever, you can leave a comment on.
Speaker 1:Are you on Rumble? Personally, like I don't, I need to delve into that a little bit more.
Speaker 2:Rumble is YouTube. It's just a YouTube, it's just called Rumble.
Speaker 1:Okay, so yeah, I know precious little about that, it's not like.
Speaker 2:You're on it like YouTube. You're not really on YouTube. You can make an YouTube account, subscribe to people's channels and videos. Rumble is basically the same thing.
Speaker 1:You mean. Youtube isn't just for how to videos, to figure out how to do plumbing and watch music videos all day long while you should be working. That's what I do.
Speaker 2:I watch a lot of Dale Earnhardt Jr. I'm a big NASCAR fan. Of course you know that. Yep, the listeners probably don't, but I watch a lot of Dale Earnhardt Jr podcast. Yeah, if you fail, jr download.
Speaker 1:If you weren't aware of this, I go back and check out the episode with Mobcraft, where we have the advent calendar, and check out what number Sean picks first.
Speaker 2:If you can tell me what number that is and why I picked that number, I'll send you a free hat. There we go.
Speaker 1:So opportunity right there to be able to get some swag from two guys in your podcast. So yeah, reach out to us on the social media. Get yourself a hat, so it's a really nice hat too. It is a really nice hat. So let's see where were we at.
Speaker 2:Indeed Back to Indeed Yep.
Speaker 1:Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Speaker 2:Blue Dream Honey IPA. That's where we're drinking.
Speaker 1:So Indeed Brewery, a micro brewery, is what they listed as Logan Park area of Northeast Minneapolis, founded in 2011. So it's been around. For what do we 2023 now so? 12-ish years 12-13, depending on what time of year, but it kind of a nice little area and again it's a really nice tap room that they got Photobuy friends Thomas Wisonhand, rachel Anderson and Nathan Burnt. The three brought in Josh Bischoff, which the name sounds familiar to me. If it maybe sounds familiar to you as far as me, Sounds like a wrestler.
Speaker 1:It does it's, maybe it's really good to Eric. Bischoff. There we go. I don't know if there's any relation. We'll have to do more information. We'll do a deep dive when we go on location in Milwaukee.
Speaker 2:It wouldn't be too surprising if he was related to Eric Bischoff, because if you're a wrestling fan, a lot of wrestlers came out of Minnesota, this is true.
Speaker 1:So this is true, not just a Vurgani Right. Multiple, multiple Lots. Yeah, so Josh Bischoff, a former head brewer at Town Hall Brewing in Minneapolis, which if you've ever been to Town Hall Brewing, they don't distribute a ton, at least not that I've been able to find but it's a really cool tap room, really good food. It's a lot of stuff. It's kind of in the what are they called? The seven corners area of Washington Avenue just past Like if you're going southbound 35W, you're going to go to like US Bank Stadium. If you go left instead you go east over the top of the bridge.
Speaker 1:Sure, there's that neighborhood that's right on that other side. They're kind of right in that corner in one of the like it's like I think it's like a hotel building or something that they're kind of in. But only been there once but it was fantastic. So they had really good beer and at one point I had a hat from there and it was a nice hat, but then my dog, I don't have the hat anymore, so I got to go back.
Speaker 2:It's a good reason to go back. There we go, and I have not been there yet, so I'll go with you. There we go. That can be the first stop on the road trip. That's true, because you got to stop somewhere to be able to make sure you're refreshed and ready to go.
Speaker 1:You're correct Preparation is the key to victory. So in August of 2012, indeed's Tap Room officially opened to the public and began distributing keg to beer to bars and restaurants. So we're talking August. 2012 is kind of when things really. That's when things really got going. 2011 is when it was founded, but, yeah, 2012 is when it really started, kicking off October 2012,. They were canning and distributing their two flagship beers Day Tripper American Ale and Midnight Rider American Black Ale. Now, when you talk about some of those different beers, you look at their website. They show the different beers that you know when you can get them and limited time. So it kind of goes through that. But there's a nice little graph that they have that talks about the different beers and there are five beers that they have that are year round.
Speaker 2:What was the first one you said again Day Tripper Pale Ale.
Speaker 1:Day Tripper Pale Ale that is one of their most popular ones and you can get that just about any liquor store. If they only carry one, that's likely the one that they're going to be carrying. A lot of them that are released year round Flavor Wave IPA, pistachio Cream Ale. Mexican Honey Imperial Lager that one's a pretty good one. Again, you don't get a ton of the honey but it's very light. There's the Mexican Honey Light Lager and the Mexican Honey Imperial Lager. So a couple of different flavors with that but some very light drinking summertime kind of beers, but they release those year round. So those are the five that they have.
Speaker 1:The Pistachio one I think that I've had before, but I do like the Day Tripper pretty good. That's one of their most popular ones, that one. They want some awards with that one, but otherwise they have a whole list of them online that they have of what they do when they have it, when it is going to be available the core you can even switch over to what the IPA options are as far as what you want to be able to find there. So lots of information you can get on their website with that. Liquor stores in the area, minneapolis St Paul area, indeed, was one of 13 breweries to open in 2012, after a legislative bill allow the creation of tap rooms for breweries to serve beer on site.
Speaker 1:So this is going to, we would go back to the antiquated laws that Minnesota has had and we can get into a whole lot of that drama.
Speaker 1:That's a whole different left turn A lot of them, and they still exist in this state, but especially when it comes to alcohol and beer and brewing and things like that, there's still I mean, there's still a lot of stuff that's on there. But this was one of the I don't know what it's called landmark, but this was one of the step in the right direction kind of things where they allowed for breweries to be able to actually sell their stuff on site. They didn't have to just can it, which gets into to a certain extent. Yes, it's a bar with hard quotation marks, but at the same time it's just kind of a nice place to be able to hang out. But from a brewery standpoint it kind of reduces. We talked a little bit on one of our episodes about okay, so now we are going to brew all this stuff, now we have to buy equipment to can it or bottle it and have that inventory and until that actually sells, now we just have inventory sitting in liquor stores, which is a huge investment in something like that.
Speaker 2:It costs money too. The more inventory you have, the more money it actually costs businesses oh absolutely, and it seems like it's good when you have it everywhere.
Speaker 1:But, yeah, if you're still paying for that, because some places, some vendors depending on who it is and we've had some experience and some retail over the course of our years Too much experience, Absolutely. Some vendors they don't actually get paid until it sells. They still wholly own it until it actually sells. I mean, maybe they'll get like a certain percentage of it, but there's some of that that goes on too. So there's a chance that they would end up just having it sit there because they're trying to get the word out, trying to promo it, but a liquor store is like well, I'm not going to buy it, but I'll let you sell it here.
Speaker 1:So now you have that much more that you're not even getting money for distributing to a certain extent, and that was kind of a landmark step in the right direction. So in 2012, that changed for the state of Minnesota. So one of the first breweries in the state to open, which featured a tap room to sell on-site beer right at the start of operation. So pretty solid step in the right direction. At that point in time November 2018, they announced an expansion to Milwaukee and in the Walker's Point neighborhood opening and it eventually opened in September of 2019.
Speaker 2:So that's an interesting place to expand. To you open up in Minneapolis. Your next expansion is seven hours away, in Milwaukee. Why so far away and why in Milwaukee? Why not somewhere closer within the state of Minnesota, or maybe two hours away or an hour away, but instead you go all the way to Milwaukee.
Speaker 1:Was it mobcraft that we talked a little bit about? They expanded, but they expanded close to where they were. They did that way they could centralize all of their production but use tap rooms to be able to kind of distribute it a little bit wider. So yeah, that is kind of that's a good point, that it's a little bit more of a distance that goes in with that.
Speaker 2:I mean you got distribution and getting the beer out there. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:I mean, I guess to a certain extent you can just jump on 94 and set the cruise at about 104 and just go, but I suppose if it's not under construction with a beer truck, well, that's a good point.
Speaker 2:He's under construction. Six hour drive Google Maps says it's nine and a half hours.
Speaker 1:Awesome. So yeah, I mean it gets kind of a direct route, but if they set up their own facilities over there, but then that's yeah.
Speaker 2:maybe they brew out there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was going to say that's probably an additional expansion or potentially they're getting into that Milwaukee area trying to get a foothold with a larger distributorship with Miller course Sure.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. So if you can partner with them, for sure.
Speaker 1:So history of indeed kind of going back a little bit, going back to July 2013. So in 2018, they, or 2019, they opened in Milwaukee. 2018, they plan to, but 2019, they opened it. But if you go back to 2013, $250,000, we just talked on the an episode recently about a $25 million expansion, but a little bit smaller, smaller micro brewery. You know what I mean. So it's not we're not talking a massive brewery here, but in 2013, a $250,000 expansion. They actually have a note in here that in 2013, it was $250,000. But if you account for inflation in today's dollars, actually $20, $22, it was $314,000 because you want to make sure it room for inflation when you're looking. Such a jump, such a jump. So they announced that, with the aim of doubling their capacity to 6,400 barrels per year.
Speaker 1:So a pretty good jump when you're jumping from 3,200 to 6,400.
Speaker 2:What timeframe was this again? They opened in 2012. They wanted to increase that to 6,400. By when?
Speaker 1:This was July of 2013.
Speaker 2:So it was a year.
Speaker 1:That's when it was announced and let's see here In August of 2013,. They reported they were on track to brew over 6,000 barrels by the end of 2013.
Speaker 2:Okay, nice. So, yeah, so they built so within. A year, maybe a year and a half. We'll say yeah.
Speaker 1:So they really took over and took off pretty well. They're kind of in the mid-2010s, I guess, if you will. Brews are now available in or 300 bars, restaurants and liquor stores throughout the Twin Cities metro area. They further expanded to distribute outstate, or, as they say, greater Minnesota Sure, and it's real great.
Speaker 2:At least that's what the Metro likes to say and to get back, you said how many barrels? 6,000?.
Speaker 1:Yeah, at the end of 2013, they went 6,000 barrels. Their capacity was going to be 6,400.
Speaker 2:So 6,000 barrels. Of course, as we learned before, times 31 gallons per barrel, that's 186,000 gallons of beer. It's a lot of beer.
Speaker 1:I've probably been a part of a handful of those gallons.
Speaker 2:Andy likes to partake in the beer drink, it's true.
Speaker 1:It's.
Speaker 2:You don't come up with the plan to have a podcast like this and actually I didn't even come up with the plan, it was more. You came up with the plan.
Speaker 1:But you don't be a part of this if you don't have an enjoyment or a desire to enjoy some adult stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Let's see here Some more information about Indeed Brewery. Again, we're doing the Blue Dream Honey IPA. I didn't see it, at least at the liquor store here. Maybe if you're more in the Twin City Metro area they'll have a little bit wider selection of specific ones six packs or four pack tall boys or something like that. This one was part of a mix pack, so there's four different beers in there. I think they were all IPAs, but it was more so as going for the variety. Sure.
Speaker 1:You know to be able to try some different things.
Speaker 2:So that's kind of what I found this one.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly, I got another one one of the other ones here after we get done recording because they're full, perfect.
Speaker 2:So I got to ask you a question I got an answer. Because you always have an answer. If those of you listeners don't know, Andy always has an answer.
Speaker 1:Not always is the right answer but I'm going to say it is, I can make up some good crap.
Speaker 2:After you drink a few Indeed Brewing beers, after you drink a few Blue Dream Honey IPAs, the answers are always correct Yep, they're flowing, they're ready to go. Whoo that, as we were talking before, we started recording how Indeed was incorporating THC into some beer. So you might be getting to that. But I just want to bring that up now because as I stare at this can of Blue Dream Honey IPA, blue Dream sounds like a strain of THC that people would consume. It does. If you look at the can, it's like splattered with green and blue on it and I don't know, a spiral graph or it's a 70s vibe.
Speaker 2:Those 70s vibe things. Well, if you look at the top of the can where it says Brewing Indeed Company, it's almost like it's meant to monkey with your eyeballs, a little bit Like you put on the red and blue glasses.
Speaker 1:It's a 3D bit without the 3D. Yes.
Speaker 2:So I was wondering about the THC infusement.
Speaker 1:I know this beer does not have THC infusement but, the can makes it almost like it would when you look at the can it kind of messes with your? Vision. When you started asking that, I started looking closer, closer, closer at the can have another beer, andy.
Speaker 2:There we go, there we go.
Speaker 1:I get some infuse stuff going. Yeah, no, I didn't say anything on there or whatever, but they're usually like. When I was at the liquor store selecting my options for the evening, there were a bunch that did have THC, but they were very abrupt about making sure that you know here in town, Yep here in town, yep, they had a whole display section.
Speaker 1:Really, that was there that had that. I don't think any of it was refrigerated at the time so I didn't really want to get into that. But yeah, they had a whole selection of THC infused beers that were right there. Interesting, I've not had one, so I don't know how the flavor profile changes with that, but not necessarily opposed. Just I haven't had the experience.
Speaker 2:Maybe it's a beer for the future podcast someday there we go.
Speaker 1:With all of the road trips. Now we have that going on as well.
Speaker 2:So Well, I don't know if we want to drive, if we have alcohol and THC at the same time. This is true. This is true. I don't really know from experience, but that just doesn't seem like a great idea.
Speaker 1:It sounds an awful lot like what's going to have to happen. Is we're going to? If you answer the next trivia question, you can be our driver on this.
Speaker 2:Perfect, I don't think we're going to get any. Anybody that's under 21? Yeah, anybody out there, anybody?
Speaker 1:Exactly, yeah, yeah, you can't partake, so just you know you can be part of the fun. Yeah, so, yeah. So there is a selection, at least at the local liquor store here, of some THC ones.
Speaker 2:Can I realize that was so wide? Yeah, I know Minnesota passed it this year, but really you're not supposed to sell it till 2025. So it kind of surprising to me that they have that in like a local liquor store.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's and it's. I don't know, you know, what the numbers are on it as far as how potent it is or anything like that. But yeah, I was kind of surprised to see it out already as well, because it's just been kind of a quick change in a way, interesting. So yeah, I guess I didn't see any THC indeed ones there, but again, I didn't spend a lot of time looking at that particular rack of beer. It was more getting back to the beers that I was going to have with this. But that may, like you said, that'll probably be a future episode.
Speaker 2:I just asked you the can.
Speaker 1:Oh, absolutely.
Speaker 2:The indeed, is kind of that.
Speaker 1:The can goes with that vibe, you know oh 100% that the logo at the top definitely has kind of that little offset. That kind of makes you think that things are a little hazy, if you will. So, yeah, kind of a different, but now that's probably just kind of what they're looking at. But yeah, Blue Dream does kind of allude to something. Somebody with more knowledge within that realm might be able to give some feedback on that one. Again, social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter just text me, let us have it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, just send me a message on it. You know, whatever? Just text, andy, exactly.
Speaker 1:So what we have here, is number, so in 2014, did 876930,.
Speaker 2:What is?
Speaker 1:it 8765309. There we go. It's apparently somebody did actually have that number and they're like this is just awful.
Speaker 2:Who is this? It is. I'm sorry I'm getting off track.
Speaker 1:Tommy, I don't remember what it is, you seriously? Know, no, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I know that the song is actually called.
Speaker 1:Jenny, jenny, but I don't know who is it that sings it? Tommy Tutone. I did sing it, so I thought it was Tommy, but I couldn't. Oh, I didn't think Tommy Tutone was actually a name. So, yeah, tommy Tutone, tommy Tutone, perfect. So yeah, if you knew that trivia answer before, maybe you hit pause to try to get the answer, or something.
Speaker 2:You hit pause because you had to go grab another Indeed Blue Dream Honey IPA. Exactly.
Speaker 1:Exactly, you had to go get another one. Crack that top, we'll give you a second. Are you ready? Okay, all right, and Kari, you got it.
Speaker 2:What's next for the Indeed brew we got?
Speaker 1:So the further expansion to Outstate 2014. In 2014, they also won a silver medal at the Great American Beer Festival, which I would be willing to venture a guess as a pretty large thing. It's held in Denver, typically held in late September, early October, and it's at the Denver Colorado Convention Center. It's the largest ticketed festival, so really might be going to Colorado next there we go Largest ticketed beer festival in US and one of the largest in the world. So perfect, we're going to have to put that on the list of our road trip.
Speaker 2:Hey, no, no, no, the two guys in beer private plane is fuel oil right now. The jet we're going to get the jet going.
Speaker 1:I suppose we haven't stretched those wings in a little bit Not enough.
Speaker 2:We're going to have to get that out there they're pretty stretched.
Speaker 1:So at that particular event, the Mexican honey imperial logger in 2014 won a silver medal, so pretty good result for that one. I thought that the day tripper had some medals, but they don't list it on here as well.
Speaker 2:Day tripper has that infused with THC. They probably have some that are.
Speaker 1:It's not a rigid.
Speaker 2:Day tripper, maybe mushrooms or acid. There we go. I don't know anything about either one of those two substances, but day tripper sounds like it's infused with something.
Speaker 1:Or just a lot of wires that are tied on low spaces, the fallover.
Speaker 2:Watch out where you're walking, trips.
Speaker 1:Watch your videos. You got to be safe at work. Let's hear. They also revealed a series of wood aged sour beers that they had developed in a separate facility. We need to try one of those.
Speaker 2:I want to try a sour beer?
Speaker 1:Absolutely yeah, we talked about that with the shelves.
Speaker 2:We're going to do it at shelves, but we should probably do one sooner than later, absolutely. Because I'm very intrigued with these sour wheat beers, sour wood age beers. I'm intrigued by them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't mind. I never was the biggest sour beer. I actually had a sour beer the other night or whatever. It was part of the mob graft bit. It was so sour I had to almost shotgun the thing just to only have that sour hit me once. It's fine, don't worry, you know, just watching football, no big deal. No, I mean the wood aged definitely changed. I feel like it would change how it tastes and add something to that, because I mean it does obviously for bourbon, it does for a lot of different things, so I feel like it'd be an interesting thing to do.
Speaker 1:So let's see expanded their current offerings in 2020, creating Quincy's Corner in Northeast Minneapolis and the expansion of their tap room offered various sundries and vinyl collections. So they've kind of taken over most of that building that they have there. So kind of a fun deal. They currently their current production. What they estimate is 11,500 barrels. So we talked a little bit before about them trying to expand to a capacity of 6,400. Clearly they have exceeded that and moved forward to now, more recently, 11,500.
Speaker 2:Which would be 356,500 gallons of beer.
Speaker 1:I was trying to do the math in my head and I only had it at about 354. So I was way off.
Speaker 2:Your arithmetic needs to improve.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're going to have to practice that in between. I usually only count 12 ounces at a time. It's 12, 24. That's the way to count Exactly. You know it's better than what. Is it the local radio guy? Big Detroit Lions fans. They learned how to count on one, on two, on three.
Speaker 2:Well, until this year anyways, exactly.
Speaker 1:It's been a tremendous year for them, that's for sure. So do you think the Vikings have any chance? This episode is going to actually come out, probably after some of this happens, but should be an interesting finish to the year for everybody.
Speaker 2:I don't even want to talk about the Vikings If they would not turn the ball over they would probably be one of the top five teams in the NFL. Oh, just you know it.
Speaker 1:And I get turnovers happen.
Speaker 2:If they reduce their turnovers in half, turn them by a quarter, they probably would only have two or three losses.
Speaker 1:And the problem is that it's not even so much. I mean, yes, it's the turnovers, but the time that they happen, and then what happens? Like you know, there's the interception where it's through off the face mask and right into the bread basket of a defensive lineman For real. That's where we're doing now. So, yeah, we're not going to get too deep into that one. Otherwise we're going to need probably three, four more, which I'm not opposed to either, but that's that's kind of what I have here for the indeed brewing company. If you got more information, definitely hit us up or any questions. But that's the Blue Dream Honey IPA. Sean, you got anything else on tap?
Speaker 2:The only thing I've got. I was thinking I want to ask you about We'll take a little. Go back to a little bit of sports, of course, because naturally that's what's easy for us. Dream on green, we're going to the NBA this time. Last time, I don't. What did we talk about prior? The Kardashians? Oh, that's right, that wasn't too sparse. Yeah, that's what we're going to talk about the NBA this time.
Speaker 2:Fair enough, we're going to go across the league, across the half the country, over to California and Golden State and Dream on green Suspended for the year. It's about damn time, yes.
Speaker 1:I completely agree. I'm so sick of his antics.
Speaker 2:It is ridiculous.
Speaker 1:He is and you know, if you're of a certain generation, you'll probably understand this. Sean, I would expect you and understand my reference here. He is the modern day Rashid Wallace. Oh for sure, I liked Rashid more.
Speaker 2:Rashid was probably a better overall player than Dream on green. You know, and I don't I like Dream on green to the point where he's a super passionate when he's out on the court. Nobody plays harder than him. He goes a hundred percent from tip off to the end of the horn at the end of the game or when he gets kicked out. But, holy cow, dude, you don't need to be choking people and punching people and slapping people. Like what are you doing? This isn't the 1980s NBA. If this is the 80s NBA, that would be the norm. Yeah, this is 2023. They're all kind of girly.
Speaker 1:I guess I should say they're not girly but it's not as much of a physical game.
Speaker 2:NBA is not physical like it once was. You cannot choke people. You cannot punch people in the face.
Speaker 1:You're not going down the middle of the lane and having Bill Lambeer throw an elbow into your eyes.
Speaker 2:Or clothes line. It's just not happening. You jump up and they just clothes line you straight to the floor.
Speaker 1:Oh, follow personal, follow Shoot two, here we go.
Speaker 2:Like what is he doing? Like I don't understand what he's doing.
Speaker 1:I think he kind of has that sense about him that everybody's out to get him and everybody's trying to work against him, which I mean that's kind of the nature of competition to a certain extent, that everybody's trying to limit what you're doing and work against you, but at the same time he's just taking things way too far. Everything is taking too personally. It's like why would you oppose anything I'm doing? Well, because you're being kind of a jerk? Yeah, it's just insane.
Speaker 2:It's too bad because he's a pretty decent basketball player overall. He's not your number one or number two, but two years ago he was down near averaging a triple double. You know like 16, 11 and 10 or something like that. I don't remember the exact numbers, but he's a pretty solid guy.
Speaker 1:Oh, absolutely, he's a guy that you want to have on your team as far as like a if you have like postseason or championship type of aspirations, because he's going to add a little bit of grit. He's going to add some grinding, if you will, to you know like there's some dirty work that has to be done. You can't just we talked about the NBA being a little bit soft, that's absolutely a fact that I don't think anybody really can deny but you still have to have a couple of people one or two especially on your squad that have that ability to like there's some dirty work that needs to be done a little bit of grinding to be done.
Speaker 1:You have to have a little bit of that just to, if nothing else, keep some stuff in check, but also just go and get some like difficult shots, difficult rebounds, like there's moments where you're going to need that. He's always been a guy for that, but now the other stuff is starting to exceed what he's doing and maybe he's doing all the exact same stuff. I think I heard that on the radio earlier they were talking about that. Maybe he's having the same amount of antics, but the difference is now his production isn't overshadowing that.
Speaker 2:And so now it's like all you see is the antics. His production is definitely going down. Let me throw this at you. He kind of reminds me, as we were talking about it, dennis Rodman, and Dennis Rodman maybe never had the scoring production or the assist production, but defensively, tenacity, hustle, heart, aggressiveness, that was Dennis Rodman, I mean Dennis. Rodman easily played better defense and dream on grain and obviously grabbed more rebounds. But the antique type part of it that kind of reminds me of a Dennis Rodman type, almost.
Speaker 1:Oh, absolutely. I think that there's a lot of things that you could make a comparison with, you know, like Dennis Rodman or Rashid Wallace, like those kind of guys. But I feel like, especially in Dennis Rodman's case, I feel like of course he, I think he had more other things going on in his world that when he, like, reached a certain point of like where the production wasn't quite there, I'm done. This doesn't mean as much to me, so I'm just going to go and do whatever else. I'm just going to go and have meetings with Kim Jong, whichever one is in charge of North Korea at the particular time, which is what he did, which is you know, if that's what you're going to do.
Speaker 2:Not to mention if you watch the Last Dance. You need to watch the Last Dance If you're a basketball fan. In the 90s, he just took a week sabbatical in the middle of the season and went to Las Vegas and partied. That was just what he did. He's like I need to go party for a week. So they're like okay, just make sure you're back in a week.
Speaker 1:Exactly, yeah, it was load management. That's what it was. It was load management. What type of load is?
Speaker 2:he managing? Well you know probably not. Was it indeed beer loads? Well, not back then, no, no, no, not at that time.
Speaker 1:But probably similar.
Speaker 2:Similar I mean something around there.
Speaker 1:But yeah, no, it's and that's. That is a I don't know if I want to call it sad, but that is, I feel, like a fact of life. And you know, like especially in sports, that if your production reaches a certain level, your level of shenanigans is allowed, in a way, to kind of go with that. But if your production starts to narrow down a little bit, you got to knock some of that stuff off too. Right, and I'm not saying that it's okay that you do all of that stuff, because really, to be a good human or whatever you want to say, you don't need a lot of that stuff. But you know it's, it's unfortunately or fortunately, I don't know how you want to word it or how you want to look at it. We can have that discussion on social media. Give us your feedback on that too. But that's one of those things that if you're talented you can get away with more it tends to get overlooked, because people will look past it.
Speaker 1:Just, it's the nature of the beast. Again, I'm not saying it's good, but at the same time it's like, well, I don't really want to pay you this many million dollars, but I know that this guy over here is going to have a lot less concern about it. He's going to pay you anyway. So do I want to pay you and just eat it and see if I can't fix the image, or do I want to face you? You know, so there's it's kind of a, in a way, a catch 22,. You can't just get rid of somebody all together. But I think that Draymond is starting to push that envelope of what his worth is, in a way.
Speaker 2:Well, he's suspended indefinitely now, so we'll see how long that trade lasts and what he has to do to get back on the court.
Speaker 1:Absolutely and definitely and really actually indefinitely in the NBA is one thing I've been a little bit happy with, because I've always thought that their suspensions were pretty light and they're you know anything they do are pretty light.
Speaker 1:But recently, when they go to like all right, you're suspended for like three games because you did awful things and you murdered an entire daycare or something like that, like very slap on the wrist type of things. But when you get to like the second violation and they go with the indefinite one, like you look at a guy like John Morant, like he's still not playing.
Speaker 2:No, he still has one in a five, six game.
Speaker 1:This goes back to last year, so and so when you get to that, it's kind of like, well, we'll give you a chance, We'll give you a second opportunity, even though it may be more than a second, but they'll give you that chance. But if you mess up at that time the book is coming flying your way. So you better be ready to have take up knitting or something. Have a hobby to do, because you're not playing basketball for a hot minute.
Speaker 2:Knitting. That'd be an interesting hobby to take up.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, I mean, every guy do something, right. Sure, you know what you could do, you could take up brewing beer.
Speaker 2:We could take up brewing beer. There you go.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, that was our episode for Indeed Brewing Blue Dream Honey IPA. Find it at what appears to be your local liquor store, pretty much through all of Minnesota, parts of Wisconsin and North Dakota. But if you're outside of that, definitely hit us up on the social media. We will try to. On our various road trip destinations, we'll bring with like a cooler of stuff for our own uses that we'll give to you as well. But yeah, if you have an idea for a future episode too, definitely reach out. Facebook, instagram, twitter, youtube, rumble. We're on all the platforms Spotify, iheart, everything.
Speaker 2:It's all out there, it's everything, it's everywhere.
Speaker 1:But it's probably the thing.
Speaker 2:Two guys in beer, it's the thing.
Speaker 1:It is the thing. It is the thing and probably the easiest way for anybody. If you think about the way that, how is it that you find it? How is it that you consume it? A lot of people have said, well, the easiest way for me is be able to click on the link on Facebook or wherever it may be. So if that's kind of how you found it, make sure that you share it so that way other people can find it as well. So we appreciate those that have and we want to appreciate everything, including my dad, who does that all the time religiously, does that Anything we post out there, whatever it's shared out automatically. I'm not even sure that he listens, but he at least puts the word out there to everybody out there, so we definitely appreciate that.
Speaker 2:So, sean, what else you got? So everybody, get yourself an Indeed beer, get yourself any beer. Have a happy new year. Now that we're in the new year, enjoy yourselves, drive safe, drink lots of beer and have a good time.
Speaker 1:And we appreciate you joining us here for episode 13 with Indeed Brewing. Until next time, cheers.