TwoGuys & Beer
The Two Guys & Beer Podcast is a laid-back conversational show that combines the love of beer with a wide range of topics that pique the hosts' interest. These two guys, use beer as a launching pad for discussions on anything and everything that grabs our attention!
TwoGuys & Beer
Fort Lauderdale Flavors with Tarpon River Brewing
Our taste buds went on a journey with the unique flavors at Tarpon River Brewery, where the Florida honey truly makes its mark in the brewing process. Hats off to the ever-helpful Lisa, who navigated us through an array of palate-pleasing pours, perfectly paired with some of the most mouthwatering mozzarella sticks and wings. It's not just about the beer; it's the stories and connections—like the unexpected ties to Riverside Market—that stitch together the rich tapestry of our beer-centric adventures.
Wrapping up this episode, we're stirring up a bit of controversy and laughter with our candid thoughts on everything from video games to service animal designations. Plus, we're tickled to share our leap into video podcasts, so come along and subscribe to our YouTube channel for an animated twist on our beer-laden tales. Whether you're a local or just love a good brew, here's to the next round and the stories it will inspire. Cheers!
All right and welcome in, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages well, probably not children. This is a podcast about beer, so we'll keep it to the people that are interested. We'll go with that. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome in to another episode. You guys in beer podcast, andy Beckstrom, sean Field, here back in the studio, if you will. Well, that's where we're going to go with the studio and making some more content here, episode number 14. So you had the dozen, you had the baker's dozen, and then this is what doesn't is. This is just extra bonus.
Speaker 2:I don't have enough fingers for that Right.
Speaker 1:I can't figure it out, it's too much arithmetic for me.
Speaker 1:You got to start taking your shoes out for something like this now at this point. Well, episode 14 and we've done many different kinds of beers, many different breweries, a lot of them from Minnesota, denver, kind of bopped around the country a little bit. This one is going to be coming to you, well, from Minnesota, but the beer will be coming from you or will be coming to you from Tarpon River Brewery in Fort Lauderdale, florida. I just kind of on a semi personal note, I was on vacation for a little while.
Speaker 2:He's always on vacation.
Speaker 1:I might have been on vacation for quite some time.
Speaker 2:Two cruises in like a month Just back to back.
Speaker 1:We got a bang and deal. How do you turn down a bang and deal? You know you get that type of deal. You got to say yes, live in the high life. I mean, even if I don't go to deal, I'm saying yes because I love cruising anyway. So which? If anybody wants to donate a cruise to me, I'll get you a hat. Two guys in beer hat, we'll give those. I'll give that away.
Speaker 2:I'll even we could have probably throw a sticker for that one too.
Speaker 1:We don't get too wild.
Speaker 2:Just a little.
Speaker 1:But as part of that the crews went out of Fort Lauderdale and you know, the first time spent time with some family in kind of over by Fort Myers, punta Gorda area but spent a little bit of time in Fort Lauderdale. But the second time that we were down there, that one we actually had a lot of time to work with. You know I was talking a little bit before we went on here that we got done with the cruise, while when we flew down there initially we actually flew down and spent a day, full day, in Fort Lauderdale, like got there kind of late, checked into the hotel, stayed a full day in Fort Lauderdale and then the cruise was the next day. So I guess two days.
Speaker 2:And that's the way to do it, so you're not rushing when you get off the plane to try to figure out get your luggage go? Board on a cruise, get off, check in, relax for a day you know, get a bite to eat, and if you've ever flown out of Minnesota, there's some weather. There can be.
Speaker 1:Which, ironically, I've flown out of, obviously flown out of Minnesota every time that I've flown, but I've only ever experienced a cancellation or delay once, only one time, which is I mean, it's a testimony like I worked at the airport for a little while in an emergency communications thing, but like, if you're ever looking for something fun to watch, look up on YouTube the airport conga line. I don't know why they call it conga line, but that's what they call it. It's all of the trucks, all of the snow removal, because you see it on like even on 35 or whatever, you get like four plows next to each other and they push it across.
Speaker 1:Well, it's kind of like that, but with much bigger equipment for all of the runways, and they have it down to such a science that when it's snowing so bad you can't see anything. They're still crisscrossing and wig wagon and going past each other and they're not running into each other. They're not running into each other at all, but they have their own dedicated path and they practice it and just go right through all of it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I suppose I have to, though, in order to keep the plane traffic flowing, you know.
Speaker 1:I've heard different stats of like there's some of the top. It's one of the top airports routinely for keeping per capita I don't know how you word that or whatever but based on how much weather, because obviously you're not going to get a lot of slow snow delays in Dallas, but for places that do get snow they're one of the tops being able to clear it and keep traffic on time or within the margins of whatever it's going to be. I've heard that a lot of pilots really like going in and out of MSP just because they don't have to worry about that as much. Sure.
Speaker 2:Well, in the Minneapolis airports I always rank number one or two in the country for like cleanliness, niceness, you know, all the stuff that they rank airports on. It just came out a couple of weeks ago and I read it and we fell to number two this particular year. This year is we were number one a couple of years in a row, or just lay out of the airport. The ease of getting around.
Speaker 1:You know mobility all those things which, having been doing a lot of not a lot of airports, I say a lot like I fly all the time but no, you just cruise all the time. It's true, A lot of cruising. They got to fly to be able to get there.
Speaker 1:You know I mean yeah same airport down there that I go to. But I really do like MSP a lot. It is laid out, nice. You know even terminal twos you know pretty nice. It's easy to get back and forth. It's a little confusing, I guess, if you aren't familiar with it.
Speaker 2:It's clean.
Speaker 1:Just as far as weight is. But yeah, it's really nice. They've done a lot of like remodeling over the last couple of years and it just looks completely different. And you know it's just. It's very, very nice. I think it's quite well.
Speaker 2:A lot of options, a lot of food options. You know, I fly them quite a bit because I travel a lot too. I still think our airport's one of the better ones out there. You know, I've been to San Francisco, I've been to Los Angeles, I've been to Hawaii, Punta Cana. You know all those other airports Chicago, Arkansas and none of them are laid out as nice or as clean or have the options that are there. So it is a pretty nice airport, yeah.
Speaker 1:So many of them seem. I don't want to say like rundown, but just kind of like a it's fine, it's fine. We're just, you know, should we redo like the, you know, re-carpet and repaint it? No, it's fine, we'll wait till, like something falls off the wall or something.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they look kind of dated, yeah, like they don't keep up on the upkeep, you know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, which is an investment. You know, like, don't get me wrong, it's an investment. Yeah, it's, I don't know it's, it's quite interesting, but yeah, they do a, they do a great job down on MSP. But anyway, getting back to the traveling, you know, so ultimately run Anyway. So yeah, so the first time we flew down there or whatever, and then spent an entire day before good, getting on the cruise, the, the B-R-I actually ended up getting at the end of the cruise, but the first day, you know, we kind of went uptown and got some stuff and kind of walked around like it was on a golf course, but it was. It was weird because they shut down the golf course during COVID but have never reopened the golf course on this golf resort. So it's kind of an interesting.
Speaker 1:It's like an old seventies art deco like maybe even older than that, because they had like Marilyn Monroe and a big mural on the side of the wall and like a lot of record players in the entryway and it set up very art chic, if you will like that or whatever.
Speaker 1:It's kind of an interesting place or whatever. But they have this, if you want. They still have the paths and they still have a lot of the signs for the, but they just haven't mowed the course, they haven't maintained it as a golf course because they haven't used it as a golf course. So we went for like a two mile walk walking around this golf course just kind of overgrown it was. It was almost like it's right in the heart of Fort Lauderdale and it still felt like it was kind of like a ghost town. Sure, it was weird.
Speaker 2:So it's kind of interesting they wouldn't open it back up and kind of get it going. You know, especially down there I thought that they.
Speaker 1:I thought that they would, and it made me kind of wonder, you know, like well, not only have they not opened it, but they haven't demolished it and put condos on it or something, and so it makes me think that maybe they are someday, but I don't know. It was just kind of interesting, you know. But we checked that out and we went to like a food truck festival thing. That was kind of like. I was like I have a mile away from our hotel and then, because what else are you going to do? We go to Florida and you get out of the cold of Minnesota. We're going to go watch a hockey game, so why not?
Speaker 1:We went to a Florida Panthers game that night or whatever, which was kind of fun. They were playing the blues. I had no stake in it, so it was really easy to get there kind of late, have a couple of drinks, get out of there in the third period, be able to get an Uber well before the rush happens, get back to the hotel, relax kind of nice and easy. So that's a good way to kick off a cruise, absolutely so anyway. So not only we get 10 minutes in, we can get back to the beer now.
Speaker 1:You start talking about the beer. So the beer is from Tarpon River Brewing, which is in Fort Lauderdale, and we were looking for something to do kind of when we got back in Port and so we ended up going somewhere else. But Tarpon River was kind of on the list of things that we wanted to go to Because I'd been there multiple different times, really enjoy the atmosphere, kind of a cool place In the past. They don't really do breakfast, or at least they didn't because I got back on like a Tuesday, I think on the weekends they still do breakfast, but they don't do breakfast like on a random midweek day, you know. So they still have like some pretty good food and they had good appetizers, like I said, just kind of a fun place to be able to go. We've enjoyed it, like I said, a couple of times or whatever.
Speaker 1:But we went somewhere else and we ended up there and that's kind of where we came away with this, and so I talked with the server that was helping us out, and now I'm going to fail on the name. January was the beer tender, the bartender that poured the beer, but she wasn't actually out there with us, she just poured the beer and it was part of it, but I'm going to have to go look at some point in time to be able to remember what her name was because that's going to drive me nuts now and I feel bad because she said she was going to tune in and she was going to give me feedback, so now all my feedback is going to be you don't remember my name, you don't remember me.
Speaker 2:Well, I hope she tunes in and gives that feedback. I fully support that you can yell at Andy as much as you want 100%.
Speaker 1:Just light me up. But she was the one that recommended the beer, so what we have here is a honey love. It is an Imperial cream ale with, let's see here, crisp, lightly sweet finish and aromas, of orange blossoms. Smooth but caressing. Get it, cause like caressing, but there's a bee on the front, so it's sting. Get it.
Speaker 2:Got it Sorry. I was admiring this bee and honeycomb on the can.
Speaker 1:So yeah, but yeah, she recommended this one, she actually recommended two of them. So we also have, in addition to that we have New River Fest, a Vienna Maltz, a Noel Hopps Marsen kind of Octoberish, octoberfest-ish type of beer as well. So we have a couple of different options. But I figured we'd start here with the honey love to kind of really get things kind of kicked off and can talk about that, and then we can kind of get into the brewery. So again, best part of the podcast.
Speaker 2:Let's fire it up.
Speaker 1:So much better. I mean, I like beer out of a can, but like you just don't get that same. You got to get real close, be able to get that same kind of sound.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you do. I don't mind beer out of a can. It tastes pretty good. I don't like beer out of anything, though I'm not going to complain.
Speaker 1:You know that's an accurate statement there. It's very on the nose.
Speaker 2:Yeah, hmm, this stuff is 9.5% alcohol by volume, just for everybody knows out there. So it's pretty hefty for a beer.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's got some. It's very creamy. I do like being a cream ale.
Speaker 2:Initial swig I do like it's not thick or heavy at all, it's pretty light.
Speaker 1:Is it caressing?
Speaker 2:It's caressing a lot of things right now as it goes down my throat, into my stomach, across my taste buds.
Speaker 1:There you go. Yeah, I get a little bit of the honey. Yeah, it's enjoyable, nice kind of refreshing, but it does have. I mean, especially with the 9.5, it doesn't taste really hoppy, but it is definitely. It's like kind of full flavored still. You know what I mean. You know whether I don't know if it's the extra malting or, but it definitely has more body to it, if you will.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it is definitely not hoppy at all. It does taste very good. I really do like this. This is a beer I could definitely drink more than one. Or well, at 9.5%, you're not going to drink a lot of them.
Speaker 1:Maybe a couple, not too many though.
Speaker 2:But the flavor is good and, quite honestly, it's kind of hard to describe the flavor of this I'm having trouble with it, which I usually don't. I don't really taste like orange blossoms or any orange or anything in it whatsoever. I do kind of taste a little bit of a honey. The smell of it is kind of sweet, bitter, but that doesn't even make sense either.
Speaker 1:You're just going to have to try the beer You're just going to take it down to Florida. You can have to check it out 280 Southwest 6th Street, fort Lauderdale.
Speaker 2:Florida. Book the next flight. Yeah, you'll get there in a few hours. Flights are cheap.
Speaker 1:It's totally. You know it's fine. Yeah, they're in a kind of a cool older kind of warehouse type building. They've kind of built out some rooms within there but kind of a warehouse type setup, but really cool place. You know, super nice people and, like I said, a lot of fun every time I go down there. So part of the reason why I picked this particular beer and I was kind of interested to see what kind of your reaction was, especially on the honey side of things, because we had a like a honey lager, I think, in one of our previous episodes, but this one is, I mean, imperial Creamy also. It's a different kind of flavor, anyway, different type of style, miriam, but when I talked to the server that helped me out being able to select this one, she said it'd be interesting to try this one and kind of compare it with the other honey one, because the honey's different. I'm like, okay, well, you get your honey from Florida, like I don't know, I don't get why that's.
Speaker 2:Is that a different type of bee? Why is it?
Speaker 1:different Well bees from Florida. What do they? Probably typically pollinate More citrus type of plants Rather than general plants, and so she said that a lot of times, like there's a little bit more citrus type of flavor that comes through the honey, just because that's what they're hitting.
Speaker 2:She's not like an expert. Right, I know I was like she's doing a podcast.
Speaker 1:She should be on it.
Speaker 2:What's her name again?
Speaker 1:Andy Hold on.
Speaker 2:Andy's going to go figure out what the name is of this lady. Roll it down. You know if you're listening. If you want to send us up a case of this stuff, that would be fantastic. I'll pay shipping for that. This beer is really good. I would highly recommend anybody have it. It was definitely a good choice by that server.
Speaker 1:Lisa.
Speaker 2:Her name is Lisa.
Speaker 1:Lisa.
Speaker 2:And he came back in time and the name is Lisa. Thanks, lisa. I appreciate this recommendation. This is a super good beer.
Speaker 1:It's rookie move there by me. I even talked about it before we went on.
Speaker 2:Like I got to make sure I have my notes, get the names right.
Speaker 1:I was honestly I was more concerned about forgetting the January name because we kind of waved and she offered to help take a picture at one point. But we kind of had that all sorted out so we didn't really interact as much with her at all but like Lisa was like very helpful and she obviously brought us a couple rounds of beer and got wings and some stuff or whatever. But she was a lot of fun to be able to chat with afterwards, to be able to kind of discuss the different types of beers or whatever, and so I'm like I'm going to remember that name.
Speaker 1:I got to remember the other names first. I get in here and I'm like that's the one name I remember. But yeah, they were both. You know, like I said, they were great. Lisa was fantastic Lisa. Thank you so much. I apologize for halfway forgetting the name, but I'm not real bright and I drink a lot of beer.
Speaker 2:So it happens Brain cell loss with the more beers you drink.
Speaker 1:Exactly so kind of a little bit of a history here the Tarpen River Brewery is sounds like it's by the Tarpen River.
Speaker 2:It is by the.
Speaker 1:Tarpen River. Oh wow, it is nestled, if you will, between the Tarpen River and the New River, which is a little lifeline to the community. If you go walking around in that area, there's some fishing vessels, or just some vessels that will go out on the ocean, that are in that area. It kind of crazy because you can walk through there and you can also see somebody that's just got like a little fishing boat or something, but you also see the decent sized ones that are going to be like, maybe, fishing boats?
Speaker 1:Yeah, you can see some of those and you know, if you look a little bit further down that river you can see some yachts that may or may not be a little pricey, but you can even just on Google Maps you kind of look at that area, you can see where it comes in from the ocean and then it fingers off everywhere for a bunch of different little lots if you know for a people, for a marina or dock spots or whatever you go on, so kind of a cool area.
Speaker 1:I mean, this is a cool area in general.
Speaker 2:It's a slip, aren't they called the slip? Yeah, and you rent a slip for a season or whatever.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, it's a lot of fun. So the first time that we went to Tarpan River Brewery was so me and Amanda and family and everybody we had for many years been involved in a maybe we've talked about on the podcast before, but the Brewery running series generally in Minnesota is where it started. Now it's in 20 different states, it's all over the place now, but they had first started probably four or five years ago, starting to branch out to other states. In Florida was one of the first places that they went and we happened to get wind that they might be doing an event and so we looked it up and, sure enough, when we usually fly in for a cruise a day or two early, they were doing a run that next morning. So we're like, why not, let's put on all of our Minnesota Brewery running series stuff? And we showed up and they're like what?
Speaker 2:is happening. There's people here.
Speaker 1:So that was kind of fun. But the route that they took us is through that area with all those rivers and all those different places. They have like a whole market area very, very cool area and a lot of fun to be able to kind of get into that area.
Speaker 2:So what do you think of this beer now after you've had a few drinks? Because it's definitely changing flavor, in my opinion, like the aftertaste to me is tasting more like a liquor or the alcohol type taste.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's a little more potent is the right way to put it, but yeah, you're getting more of that type of Warms the chest a little bit the drink yeah. But it's still pretty good. Oh yeah, flavor tastes good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, for sure, definitely a good recommendation.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so Lisa was spot on. Rock on Lisa, good work. So let's see here when was they? At Tarpin River Brewing, born four years ago. So I mentioned we were down there for a run. We were down there in about February of 2018. They opened in like January of 2018.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay.
Speaker 1:So we didn't even know at the time, we only figured that out. This, actually this last time that we're like oh, we were there basically right at the beginning, nice, but it was cool, we were back and we had, you know, soft pressels that are like the size of your head. They had like a couple of those afterwards. Oh, it's just fantastic. But anyway, born four years ago, a partnership between Julian and Lisa Siegel of the Riverside Market and Adam and Jill Fine, owners of Native Brewing and Fresh Beer, so a couple of different places that already exist within the area of Fort Lauderdale. Now, I had mentioned that I was going to talk a little bit about Riverside Market. I'll touch on that here in a little bit. We'll talk a little bit more about tarpon and then we're going to get back into Riverside Market because, let me tell you, that's a place that you'll want to go. It is awesome.
Speaker 2:Well, if I ever get on a cruise, I'll have to stop by there and check it out.
Speaker 1:We're going to abduct you and we're going to do live on location cruising and we'll cast on the cruise, We'll go to like the local place in Aruba and we'll get some, some bright, Amstel bright, you know whatever.
Speaker 2:Isn't that the Caribbean gold that you had to? Oh, not that stuff.
Speaker 1:No, no no, that's the Brasa.
Speaker 2:Oh, let me tell you that stuff.
Speaker 1:You just you use that to like wash your hands or something like don't drink it, it's, it was terrible. People think it's like oh well, you're just, you're picking these beers and you just say good things because you got to say the good things about the beers. No, I don't. I, we had the holiday one or whatever that we did, where you, you opened the poster and you're like this is bad.
Speaker 2:I don't want this. Yeah yeah, that was not good, we're not afraid to say it no, we're just giving honest reviews of what we think. So yeah, if the beer sucks, we're going to tell you.
Speaker 1:If the beer is good, we're going to tell you and you know, likely the brewery might be just fantastic, you know, but we're going to, we're going to talk about it. You know, it's the nature of the beast.
Speaker 2:Right, and Andy and I pretty much like a wide variety of beers from bloggers IPAs, stouts so you're probably going to get more favorable stuff from us, because we're generally open to most any kind of beer. So yeah, we do like a lot of different kind of beer.
Speaker 1:So these guys open this place between the Tarpen River and the New River it kind of in that area four years ago. Between the different breweries that are in the area, Industrial size type of warehouse is an 11,000 square foot brewery and eatery. So they do have full menu of food there as well.
Speaker 2:That's nice.
Speaker 1:The brewery has a full menu. I really do like that a lot, so you didn't get pretzels I did not. No, we did not, we did not.
Speaker 1:We started on a damn fond Hanson's. I'm going to tell you, throw something through a window here. No, no, no, we did. We did Wings and well, sweetie, I feel like we did something else too, but I don't remember what it was. Now I got so distracted with all the beer that I had that day. You know, they was trying different things and experimenting with different types of beers and whatnot, so I don't remember exactly what I had, but I know that I had Wings, for sure Wings are always a good choice.
Speaker 1:I know at one point in time we tried to order some mozzarella sticks but they were out not tarpon, the other place that we went to was out of mozzarella sticks. So I was a little disappointed because mentally I was like I want some mozzarella sticks and so I didn't have those. Let's hear they use recipes and techniques decades in the making. They have a old Florida cracker style tap room, crowler filling station and it's merchandise that's there as well. So if you look at their website, you can just get right to tarponriverbrewingcom. You can be able to see pictures, the people that worked there, what their building looks like, and I'm pretty sure that actually when I went to let's see here the homepage, I'm pretty sure that Lisa was in actually the main picture that popped up on there. I don't know that she's necessarily one of the owners, but she was definitely very much so, apart of what's going on there. Oh, the slide that says the best memories are created here. She's in that picture right there. Perfect, and a second from the left.
Speaker 2:Hello, lisa, appreciate your help, appreciate it Well, apparently, you've created a few memories, a few different times.
Speaker 1:Yeah, 100%. So they have 16 rotating taps. I don't have information as far as what type of like, how much they've done. I don't have their barrel capacity Usually. I know we like to talk about that. Unfortunately don't have a lot of that information available, but I do have their core beers deflated. Ipa in New England Haysie might be a nod to something going on.
Speaker 2:Anything that's deflated, you know.
Speaker 1:One of the other beers that they had were Tom Brady's tears. It was like a double IPA. I was like what's going on here, Like what's the issue here?
Speaker 2:A double IPA. You think it would be a double IPA Kind of salty, more, you know Right. You think, yeah, it'd be more with like a salt water or something. Could be skunky, since he's a cheater.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's, this thing smells terrible. You know Like something smells. You know rotten and done. Denmark, let's see here Good as gold, golden ale, Inzane, American light lager.
Speaker 2:Inzane in the membrane.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm Inzane in the brain. She said she really liked that one and so that one was pretty good too. Native, light lager and honey. Love the Imperial Creamy Ale which is what we have here so crisp, with a light, lightly sweet finish and aromas of honey. It drinks easy, but beware, this one goes down hard Again. 9.5.
Speaker 2:That is.
Speaker 1:That'll do it. So, yeah, it's a really cool place. I highly recommend going there. I recommend getting this beer. I know that they distribute a little bit, but I don't know that they necessarily distribute to Minnesota. So if you're listening from parts abroad, you know, definitely check it out For sure.
Speaker 1:If you're in Florida, I highly recommend going there. It's a lot of fun. It's a really cool place, nice laid back atmosphere, garage door open. It's Florida, so you're just, you know, sitting relaxed with beer in front of you on no big deal. So a lot of fun to be able to do that. So the other one that I wanted to kind of touch on a little bit was so this is a joint venture, if you will, between Riverside Market and Native Brewing Company, but I wanted to talk about the Riverside Market. So there's three locations that are in the Fort Lauderdale area and we initially intended on going to either Tarpen or one of the other breweries. We actually ended up on the cruise. We ended up hanging out significantly with a couple that owned a brewery, winery, meadery in Fort Lauderdale, but they were closed on Tuesday.
Speaker 2:Oh, what a bummer, what a bummer.
Speaker 1:So if you're ever in the area, check out Brula Han. Owners of Brula Han. Yeah, the owners are Hula Han, but at Brula Han is what they call it.
Speaker 2:I like that name. They were super cool. They were awesome.
Speaker 1:It was so much fun to be able to hang out with them. So if they tuned in I talked to them a little bit about it, Maybe they'll check it out too. But yeah, if you get a chance when you're down there, check that out too. That was a lot of fun. So a lot of beer on this vacation yeah, it makes sense and good vacation then?
Speaker 1:Absolutely. So the Riverside Market was an interesting kind of thing. So we were trying to find a place to be able to go, and of course we get out the ship at 8 AM. What are you going to do? You got at least three to four hours before anything opens. So we're trying to Google and look around what is out there to be able to do at this point in time. Ok, here's a place that's a bar, that has food that we could maybe go and hang out with. We already had breakfast, but we're like it's a nice place to be able to go and wait. We had about 10 hours before our flight, so we had lots of time to be able to kill. So the Manifines Riverside Market All right, let's do it.
Speaker 1:Get the Uber head up there, which that was a whole different drama thing because nobody wanted to come into the cruise port. Don't really blame them, because then you're there and then you're gone. Don't get a lot of short rides, sure. So anyway, we get one, we get up there, whatever. Get into this place, and it was kind of weird because it's a very residential area and then all of a sudden here's this business right in the middle. So it was a little bit abrupt. But a lot of breweries are kind of like that. You're like industrial section, there's nothing. Oh, there it is. That's kind of how a lot of them work. So it was a little bit of a different spot or whatever. But we're like, ok, well, it's a little bar, cafe, restaurant kind of thing or whatever. So we walk in and look around and it looks like a liquor store, because there is doors and doors and doors and doors of coolers with beer. Yeah, that's perfect. And I'm like, well, this is already kind of coming up road because we're in the right place.
Speaker 2:This is obviously where it should be.
Speaker 1:I look over to the right and there's like six tap handles, so not as much tap handles as I thought there would be. But at the same time you know kind of look kind of cool and you know, kind of looking around, I'm like, oh, there's all these doors, like what's going on? And so like one of the server comes out or whatever. And of course, again, this is like 9 AM or whatever. And she's like, can I help you guys? And I'm like, yeah, we've never been here, so I'm just kind of checking it out or whatever. She's like, ok, well, they're split up by this. They're kind of in order. They're split up by style, like IPAs or stouts or loggers or whatever. And then they're kind of somewhat sorted by breweries and local. And she kind of gave the rundown of how it was sorted. And I'm looking around and they're all just singles everywhere and I'm like, ok, well, maybe this is like a you can build your own single kind of thing, or whatever you can get like a six pack or whatever and build your own deal.
Speaker 1:So she's like all right, just go ahead and pick whatever you want, drink whatever you want, Just bring me the empties afterwards and that's what your bill will be OK. So it's a perfect, so literally that's what you do.
Speaker 1:You just go there, you pick a spot to be able to sit. They got some couches, they had some recliners, they had some tables with some chairs, they had some high tops up at the bar, very relaxing atmosphere, like the server doesn't really. I mean she'll check on you and be like, do you guys want any food or anything, but they're not serving you the beer. It's literally you just like, ok, well, this one's empty. I'm going to go over here, open the cooler, grab this Marsen lager that seems fun and then just drink it. And then I just keep the empties and then, when you're done, you go to like the checkout and she just scans each onesie, onesie, onesie and, ok, your total is this. That's interesting and I was like this is like the coolest thing ever. So it was super fun to be able to check that out and ironically, we went there just looking for a place to be able to go and so we went there. We didn't actually know that they were involved with Tarpen until we got to Tarpen and I started doing some research. So I didn't even know that ahead of time. So it just kind of worked out that way. But it was a super cool place.
Speaker 1:So if you're ever in that Fort Lauderdale area, look it up. It's a riverside market. I believe that, if I remember correctly, there's three locations. One of them is right by the airport. This one is a little bit more north and I thought there was another one east to town or west to town or something. East would be in the ocean, west to town somewhere. But really cool concept and really cool area. But it didn't seem like when you walk in it didn't seem like it was a brand new bougie, very clean. It felt like a hole in the well fun time bar. That's perfect.
Speaker 2:They had a bunch of stuff on the wall.
Speaker 1:They like the wood seemed aged, it had character to it. It was just a nice relaxing atmosphere, Like it wasn't dirty but it was lived in.
Speaker 2:If that makes sense. You know what I mean Gently used Exactly.
Speaker 1:It didn't feel like it was brand new and very crisp, it just felt like it was just a good place to be. You know what I mean A good old fashioned middle and nowhere hole in the wall type of bar. But they just had like 200 different beers to be on this life from.
Speaker 2:It kind of reminds me of the bar in Minneapolis I was at maybe this spring I believe it was that my wife and I went to a concert down in Minneapolis close to Target Field, About two blocks from the venue we went to the concert at, we stopped and we added this bar. And then this bar was, if I remember correctly, it was like 93 different taps in their beer. There we go and you walk in, you don't pay for anything. They put a bracelet on your wrist and the bracelet is like a microchip in your bracelet and you go up to the tap and you put your wrist by the tapper and it activates the tap and you pull the tap down and you fill your beer.
Speaker 1:Oh, it doesn't work like a blood alcohol tracker and you pay by a way.
Speaker 2:No, it does not. And they have wines there, wines, different types of beer, and then, when you leave, you go up and they just scan your bracelet and they charge you based on how much you went up and drank of whatever you drank.
Speaker 1:But I suppose is it kind of like based on ounces or something.
Speaker 2:It's based on ounces.
Speaker 1:Like a two ounce pour just to try it, and then you pay per ounce, so I'll do a 12.
Speaker 2:And it's all tracked on your bracelet that they put on your wrist.
Speaker 1:That is so weird.
Speaker 2:Like if you were to go to, you know, like Walt Disney World. I've never been there, but when I was in Putankana they put an electronic bracelet on us. It was actually a microchip and a piece of wood, but you scan it to get in your room. You scan it when you go to a restaurant, like it does everything. Same kind of thing, you know. Same thing they do at Disney World. When you get on rides you scan your wrist, that chip on your wrist. Same thing at this bar down in Minneapolis. This place that you went to in Florida sounds kind of like the same. Yeah, I mean, you don't scan a chip at the place in Florida, but you go in, you drink whatever you want, you pour whatever you want and then at the end you pay when you leave. Yep, that's kind of interesting, I wish.
Speaker 2:I could remember the name of that place in Minneapolis. I'm going to have to look that up.
Speaker 1:I feel like when you went in, did it look like there was like two like almost like buses or trucks that had like doors kicked open on the side, because I've been to a place that was similar to that, but I don't remember what that was called either. No, I don't recall that. Ok, maybe I was at a different place.
Speaker 2:I'm kind of mad at myself. I don't even remember the venue of the concert, which is like a block from Target Field to the west Northwest. There's a venue there. We went to the concert then to the north of that venue, two blocks.
Speaker 1:It's not like the varsity or anything like that. I'm trying to remember what's that's again that's like the arts district, though it's called the Fillemore, Fillemore there we go Yep, I have not been to that one.
Speaker 2:So two blocks to the north of Fillemore is that bar where you can drink with the wristband and pay when you leave.
Speaker 1:I love that idea and it's mostly I mean. I love the idea of going and being able to drink. Figure it out.
Speaker 2:But that's the thing.
Speaker 1:Mostly I like the idea especially of having that flexibility of all right, I want to try, like I was saying before, like I want to try two ounces of this and if I like it, ok, well, maybe I'll have a little bit more of that. You know what I mean. You're not, I don't say, screwed into something or whatever, but at the same time, like you get a chance to be able to try multiple different things and be able to kind of mess with some stuff and see kind of what you like, what you don't like, what may be good or what's not. It's kind of nice to be able to have that flexibility. I'm a big fan of being able to have that flexibility.
Speaker 2:It's a lot of different things. Like I'm not lying when I'm saying it, it was like 93 or 94 taps. Like it's no joke. There's literally that many there and there's probably about a dozen. There are wine. So, of course, for all the wine drinkers you know, like my wife, she really likes wine Well, there's 12 of them right for you here, right on tap, and they had a kitchen too, so you could order food off a menu to eat. Eat food out of the kitchen, was it red cow?
Speaker 1:Was it no?
Speaker 2:No I didn't sound familiar.
Speaker 1:Just trying to look at maps right now, just to try to figure it out, which I'm never going to figure it out, but you know, it sounded like a fun thing to do.
Speaker 2:Even if you told me I don't know if I'd remember it exactly I just know it's about a block or two north of the. Fillmore. Ok, and the Fillmore is northwest of Target Field a couple blocks and then north of the Fillmore. Was that bar?
Speaker 1:OK, let's hear it. The Fillmore Theater, and then, yeah, I don't know. I mean there's inbound brewing, there's a couple of brewers, the free houses kind of up that direction. Free house is actually a good bar to be able to go to too. But is that kind of north loop by modest and everything? I think I know kind of where you're talking about. I've been down there before. Kind of a fun place.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they have like Underneath the overpass there yep 94. There's some parking lots under there, just to the north of that overpass.
Speaker 1:I think I know what you're talking about because you can't park.
Speaker 2:You can't park underneath there anymore, it's all blocked off first draft half house. I don't know is that.
Speaker 1:That seems kind of interesting. I found a business that I think I actually know the person.
Speaker 2:Oh perfect.
Speaker 1:Is it kind of like a building with like so how all the taps would do they have like different food vendors in there as well? Or am I thinking of something?
Speaker 2:It's their own kitchen, so no.
Speaker 1:I'm thinking of something else then, because there's something that's in that area, that same area that has it's kind of a cool place that has a Bunch of different things. You know, kind of around the core, the corner there, I think it's called graze, but they have like a bunch of it's. Basically a building has a bunch of different like. Instead of having like a whole business, you just have like a little food truck ish. Stand sure that you know like, and then it's just like. It's like a, I guess, for lack of a better term, it's like a food court, okay, but it's not like food trucks and stuff.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's not like terrible food court. It's not like you know Arby's and Sabaro, which don't get me wrong, I like me some. Arby's and Sabaro. I'm not trying to talk down to him, but at the same time this is gonna be more like a bougie type of Thing, like that this place had their own kitchen and the food was really good too.
Speaker 2:I Can't remember what I had. I had a burger that had like bison beef pork Like all that was meant mashed into the meat of the patty. It was really good. That's awesome. I wish I could remember the name of the place.
Speaker 1:Sorry, I just can't well, we'll have to do, I do some research and Bring it back for the next, next, for the next episode or after that one. So but yeah, for now though, yeah, tarpon river brewing and Riverside Market. I highly recommend Riverside Market, like it's just a super fun place. You know it when they say market, but it's like Riverside Market Café, I think what it's actually called, because it is kind of a little cafe. You can get different foods, you know, and things like there. But I think that that's where you know you can get Just about any beer you can think of. That's there, you know. So it's a lot of fun to be able to, you know, check that out or whatever. And yeah, then it was. We learned that it's actually a it's a little bit, a little bit less, I think, a little bit less than a mile walk from the place to tarpon.
Speaker 1:So they're kind of close to each other for that north one. So it worked out. I mean, it mostly worked out because I was also like pushing suitcases, but it's fine, it worked out. But you know, it was definitely a trying to meander along the sidewalk, so which was?
Speaker 1:kind of funny so I mean it wasn't bad. It like they have nice sidewalks and so it wasn't a problem at all. At one point we're like walking kind of on one of the more main roads, like probably about two blocks before we got there, and there was like a taxi that drove by.
Speaker 1:That was like, oh my god, these people need help and like stopped in the middle of traffic and it was like more busy road and so people like honking at, I'm like wheeling around, but he didn't see us until like the last second. So he's already like a quarter mile up and you can't back up to us and we're like go dude, we're almost to where we're going. We're not gonna pay 20 bucks to go to blocks, like just keep going.
Speaker 2:But he was, I mean I appreciate it.
Speaker 1:I absolutely appreciated it was. I'll be nice of him to be able to stop and try to check on us, but it was. It was definitely kind of a Different type of deal with that. So, yeah, no, it was a really cool place. You know, both places are really a lot of fun to be able to go to, so tarp and river brewery. I highly recommend Riverside market Absolutely fantastic, a lot of fun, really cool place to be able to go and you know a lot to be able to check out down there. And if you end up on vacation in Fort Lauderdale or maybe not on vacation before a lot of rail, maybe you're down there for business, I don't know what kind of business?
Speaker 1:I don't know you know you do, you do you or whatever it is that you do, and drink lots of beer, exactly, and tell us about it and say hi to Lisa in January. Say hi to Lisa, yeah, especially Lisa, because she was super nice and then I forgot her name.
Speaker 2:Don't tell her did she recommend this other beer to?
Speaker 1:yeah. So she, she recommended to this one was more, just because it's just a good, a good option, a good beer that that they have. She thought that it was, you know, a good option. Really, the honey lock, the honey one, was that the key one? Just because of the different and difference in the way the honey, the honey, which I thought was incredibly interesting, I guess in my mind, that is interesting, yeah, I agree.
Speaker 1:But this other one here, new River Fest, it's a Mars in beer, this one's a full pint, this one's a tall boy. This one comes in the silo size, if you will, brewed and packaged at tarpon River 5.3 ABV. Our newer river, our new river fest. So new rivers, the other river that's by there. So you got tarpon River and New River. So there we go, carbon River it was brewed are on our German to vessel brew house using an old-world Decotion method. I wonder if you get that in a box at cracker jacks.
Speaker 2:I would hope so, with the decoder. That's what I'm looking for.
Speaker 1:But it brings out the rich flavors of body of the Vienna malts. We use noble hops to add a touch of spice To complement the nutty breaded flavors of this beer.
Speaker 1:So, at least the label I'm assuming it's brain being that it's a Mars in and you know kind of the nutty, bready flavors. The way it's described it kind of says to me that it's gonna be kind of an October Fest ish, kind of beer, yeah, which, if you listen back to some of the October Fest episodes that we had, they were quite fantastic. Looking back on some of the October Fest options, obviously the bells, october Fest, shells, october Fest and Breckenridge, you know all of the kind of we did those. In what month did we do those? It was, I can remember October, october there. We know that'll work. Did I tell you and maybe we've discussed this, maybe I haven't discussed this to whatever that there's an outside chance that two guys in beer Well, these half of it, unless you want to go, if you would like to go, we'll see might be going, we'll see to Munich next year to be able to go to the.
Speaker 2:October Fest. We'll have to look at pricing and all those. You're going regardless because, yeah, I'm pretty sure that I'm going you might be running.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm not.
Speaker 2:I ain't doing none of that, absolutely not especially at that distance.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, so Amanda got into the one. Like the family. They so, like all four sisters, run their runners and I don't know how I picked this family to be a part of, but you know, mistakes were made. Apparently I must have had a lot of beer that day.
Speaker 2:Thanks, for me, I Don't tell her Thanks were made, I hope tell anyone.
Speaker 1:I hope she's not on the treadmill right behind me.
Speaker 1:She might actually already be back and now plotting my revenge, but so she's done like a bunch of half marathons. I've done a handful of half marathons more of the experience, more than the running, but I don't mind running. You know, I gotta try to offset the beer somehow, right. So she's done one full marathon and she had said at one point, you know, like she wouldn't mind maybe doing another one, but think about doing a full marathon. There's a lot of commitment to it because sure, if you're gonna do a full marathon, you don't just go out there and run 26.2 miles.
Speaker 1:You got to do some training runs a lot of training, and so you got to have at least a couple of days where you're running 20 plus miles as a training run, as a practice run, and I don't know if you've ever run that far, but it takes a little, while you that's an entire day thing. Plus you got to have a couple of days of recovery. You don't just get up and like, oh, I'm just gonna run around town the next day or whatever.
Speaker 1:There's a little bit of a process that goes in with that or whatever. Probably a little bit more than what my body be able to handle. I don't know, who knows. At one point I said if I reach a certain goal weight, I'd do it again, but I've now not reach that go away.
Speaker 2:I've.
Speaker 1:I've definitely marked myself safe I've from doing that I hung up on the go away on that. But anyway, she said that she would do that, but likely you'd only do it if she were to get into like one of the it's like six, five or six like major runs. You know like these are like the big ones, like the New York City marathon, boston marathon, stockholm, berlin and I don't remember the other ones, but you know like the big ones.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean. Like it's not just gonna be like, alright, we're gonna do the grass in 5k. You know it's not that. It's gonna be like a big, major one. Like right cuz even Boston, like just because you can run the time to qualify for it doesn't mean that you even get in.
Speaker 1:Right, you have to like still kind of half win the lottery to be able to do it. Like there's a lot that goes in with that, so anyway, so these guys put in for it, and I know that at least two of them, I think three of them, might be doing the other one.
Speaker 1:It's still some negotiations and logistics to be sorted out. The other one is actually doing a cruise, like right around that. So she's like I can't do it, but yeah, so they're gonna be doing that. And so that was kind of, you know, the discussion of like okay, you know, like would you want to go with you know, to be able to check that out? And I'm like I mean it. Fine, you know, go to Germany, you know, travel a little bit or whatever all the look and see what vacation time, yeah, it is, but what, what time? What time of year is this is like, oh, like late September, first week of October, fest. You could go, you could, you could have how quickly. I went to Google All right, what is the timing? Where does that line up? Right, and Everything we've been told is like you don't want to go, like the first week, because you can't drink anything until the mayor comes in, because we talked about before.
Speaker 1:The mayor's not always on time. Like they won't serve you anything until that one's tap.
Speaker 2:And so then, you.
Speaker 1:Basically you got a hundred and forty five thousand people standing in one spot wanting a beer. So they're like I mean it'd be fun to do it one time, for the one time you know what I mean, be able to be there and experience and check it out but everybody's like don't do that day. And I'm like, ah, okay, I mean I guess you know Could make, maybe make the concession. So the thought is To actually do it, maybe like a couple of days or the weekend after their run. Sure, that way they can Better enjoy it, I guess. To a certain extent I think that they'd be fine even beforehand, because they wouldn't really necessarily get hammered, and even they did, they'd have four or five days before the run anyway, yeah, but at the same time, when you were finally tuned athletic machine, you got to make sure that you know you respect the temple that is, you know, running a marathon.
Speaker 1:And I say those things because I'm not doing any of that. You know that's not it happening at all. So what do you mean?
Speaker 2:You're not a temple of fitness. It's the temple of Buddha.
Speaker 1:So anyway, yeah, so they're doing that and yeah, like you said, it kind of lines up. We are roughly speaking with, you know, october Fest, so very likely I'll be joining and going to. It's apparently it's still like a Four-hour drive or four like train ride from Berlin to Munich like it's quite the trip to be able to get there.
Speaker 1:So it was kind of like a sure, you want to do that with there. It's probably one local and I'm like I'll go by myself, I'll go sit on a train. I don't even care, I don't need to be, I'll learn German.
Speaker 1:I won't, but I will say that I will translate, it'll be totally but everybody else is like, okay, yeah, let's just do the you know regular one. So it sounds like we details yet to be figured out, a lot of logistics between now and like September Obviously, but it sounds a lot more like that's going to be happening. So likely a strong likelihood of some October Fest from the October Fest come out this year. That would be cool. So you know.
Speaker 2:Well, once you let me know all the information, then we'll determine whether or not.
Speaker 1:We come all with as well. Absolutely, that'd be fantastic, that'd be great. So, but yeah, that'll be coming up. So you have to like, share and subscribe the podcast. Tell all your friends because you got to follow along. The journey Is what it is now, now you got to know whether we make it, will they make it?
Speaker 1:This is where the dramatic commercial break pops in so which, if you're also a business looking to be able to support a podcast locally, yeah, feel free to reach out to two guys and beer and let us know. But oh really, if you, really, if you have any feedback, any comments or questions or anything like that, or even suggestions of you know beers you'd like us to try, or a Brewery that maybe you're curious of the history of it, go ahead and drop us a line. You know, comment on any of the social media and you know, just kind of give us your thoughts. You know, give us kind of what you think and interact with us. We're happy to interact for the most part.
Speaker 2:Well, I don't know if we're happy to, but we'll interact, willing to yeah, we're willing to.
Speaker 1:Gonna add one more thing before we get too deep in here. Let's see here I Did that that didn't you know like. So I tried to look something up and it went to a completely different thing, because that's. Perfect that's how everything Happens. You know, that's. That's just what, what it is. So today's a random fact of the day.
Speaker 2:Oh, here we go, let's go.
Speaker 1:It wants me to do cookies and we got nothing. Cookies, dang cookies. Sorry, now had to go to a different spot because it went away immediately. The grand theft auto franchise that many people are Franchise yeah, they have lawsuits that total over one billion dollars. Wow, there's a lot of controversies this round. The game, due to the nature of its gameplay, and Rockstar North has faced many legal complaints of Copyright and influencing young players to commit illegal acts.
Speaker 2:So every game for the last 20 years? Oh, absolutely.
Speaker 1:But now they and that's just something about how big the franchise is if they have that many lawsuits so they have a billion dollars worth of lawsuits that they have, either are or have faced. So just kind of a and that's it's not. I'm not trying to go down any type of road. That just happened to be the random fact that I haven't happened to pull up.
Speaker 2:It sucks for Rockstar. I have some good lawyers, I'm sure they do.
Speaker 1:I could have instead said that a dime has 118 ridges on its edge, but I instead. So, yeah, just a good knowledge to be able to drop for you. So use that. Yep, 100%, absolutely. So what else you got, sean? Anything else you want to?
Speaker 2:touch on one little quick thing We'll talk about today. Get on my soapbox for a minute, and this is just me venting about the entitlement of the country, or Americans. Now, I've worked retail for 23 years and you worked retail for a long time. That's where we met. You've worked in food service. You still kind of work in food service at the state. Very owned a bar Yep, here's my pet peeve and it puckers my butthole a little bit and when I see it almost pulsates it a little bit too, you know, and not in a good way.
Speaker 1:No, no, no positive way.
Speaker 2:Why in the hell does everybody got to bring their damn animals Retail places all the time? They're not service animals. I see it traveling like it's so effing annoying. Keep your damn animals at home, mm-hmm, like you don't need to bring them with you in your local retail store.
Speaker 1:Trust me, I love my dogs. I want to bring my dogs basically everywhere that I go. But at the same time, if I'm gonna go to the brewery, I'm gonna sit outside with them and you know, kind of like not necessarily keep to myself, but like we're gonna be respectful of the bit. You know, whatever, we're not gonna go to Walmart, we're not gonna go to Target, we're not gonna go to Kohl's, we're not gonna go to bunch. I don't take them when I go flying places. Would people bring them every like?
Speaker 2:animals everywhere.
Speaker 1:Which, to a certain extent, you know it's like okay, if you want to pay for your own animals, spot like maybe that's part of the thing, but it still is like the amount of people that have like even the jackets, like I think you can just buy the jacket that says. I'm a service animal.
Speaker 2:But your service animals jumping on you.
Speaker 1:that is not a service, yeah.
Speaker 2:No, that's not what's happening. No, they don't even do that you know, I still work retail. They come in with nothing on and they're on a leash or they're in the shopping cart the owner does or the dog does.
Speaker 1:Oh both, they both need it. It's just some sort of that.
Speaker 2:But it's so frustrating, annoying and I don't know why it bugs me so much, but it's just absolutely ridiculous. And of course, oh, it's a service animal. Oh yeah, it's looking my ankle right now. It's not a service animal. Or they put it in a shopping cart and it's sleeping. You know that's not a service animal. Service animals work. They'd be on the ground with the best on guiding or leading or whatever it is they do.
Speaker 1:Yep, they wouldn't be curled up in the in that yeah, that's good Respect, sleeping yeah exactly.
Speaker 2:You know, I had one dog come in a few weeks ago and it was, of course it nice. I was probably a tweaker lady. She looked like she was high on meth bringing her dogs and have whatever issues in life she was having. God bless her heart. I hope she figures it out. But the dog starts shitting all over the place. Oh, it's a service animal? No, it's not right service animals. Do not shit in store.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they're usually. They're pretty well trained, very well trained oh you know, oh, it was so bad.
Speaker 2:We had another one a few years ago. This gentleman actually excuse me, it was a lady would bring in her bird. It would sit on her shoulder and oh, that was my service and I think it was a big McCall, it was a pretty big bird. They would just sit on her shoulder, wouldn't do anything. But that's not a service animal, it's not providing any service.
Speaker 2:Well, maybe a service ferret I've seen those, I've seen those so many people complaining and I had to deal with go to the state and go to the company and this and that, but nobody could give me an answer. Basically, it has left it up to us at the store. We like no, you're not bringing your burden here anymore.
Speaker 1:Sorry when really what it? What it, what it boils down to is, which I'm actually surprised. They even went that far, because there's so many places that are like, well, we can't ask, we can't ask what the services, so we're just gonna have to. You know right, we're just gonna have to eat it. You know, meanwhile you got half the other customer base. It's like, what are you doing?
Speaker 2:You're gonna get on my oranges over here.
Speaker 1:We can't do anything about it, you know like. So yeah, there's, there's a lot of that going on.
Speaker 2:It's horrible. It's just annoying. I like, I just don't, I don't understand. Leave your damn animals at home. Like you can handle. They can handle being at home for a couple hours where you're at the store, you know, yeah, and like I said, it really depends.
Speaker 1:Just be I don't say cognizant, but like, be respectful of where you're going with it because, like I said, like I'll bring my dogs to the brewery.
Speaker 2:I'll bring the dark. Some breweries allow it like animals. I welcome you.
Speaker 1:Then bring your animal, then the pizza pub that we go to has an ice outdoor patio area. You know we go. We don't like try to truck them inside. You know and like I trust that they wouldn't cause any problems but at the same time I know that they're not service animals right you don't bring these animals into a grocery store.
Speaker 2:They are there for my soul.
Speaker 1:I might my mental health for sure, cuz you know.
Speaker 2:I that's not. That's an emotional support. Exactly, it's a little different.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's a whole different ball, yeah, so.
Speaker 2:They're getting a little harsher on the law. So even more, in my place in a plant we did put signs up where they're not allowed to come in the store and they're not allowed to be in the shopping cart. They have to be on the ground actually performing a service.
Speaker 1:So you can't pick them up and so you don't just cart and sleep, but hold them around and like a baby carriage, right?
Speaker 2:I'm my guy is just pissing me off this last couple weeks.
Speaker 1:I'm like what?
Speaker 2:and the F is going on here. Keep your damn animals as well, especially one that's shitting all over the floor. Yeah, get out of here with that thing, you know. Yeah, but what do you do? I guess I'm just tired of the entitlement. Yeah, you know, and customers come in and just well, I'm gonna do this because I can.
Speaker 1:Customers always right bullshit. Come on the customer shit you know that's a. You see them, unlike social media and Facebook or whatever it's, like anybody that truly believes that has never worked in a service industry right of any kind whatsoever, Absolutely so.
Speaker 2:That's my rant about that. That's all I got. I just need to get that out of my chest. Screw you and your dogs and pets when you bring them in the store. That's our natural service animal.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah we'll be clear with the disrespectful ones not not the good one, not the good boys, right?
Speaker 2:I don't need birds, I don't need your pooping all over the place, the goodest boys.
Speaker 1:They are still loved. You know that's fine.
Speaker 2:But the ones they gotta go sit outside.
Speaker 1:So yeah, that's our episode today. 14 episodes deep now on tarpon River brewery today. I hope you enjoyed the episode today again, like, share, subscribe, check us out on all the major platforms, tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell your neighbors just, I don't know, hit us up or whatever. We'll say some stickers or something like that. Just start slapping them on mailboxes or something and get the postal service involved and have them listening while they're out doing their due diligence. But yeah, we're on anything. We're on tiktok now.
Speaker 2:We're on tiktok, you top you top YouTube is the.
Speaker 1:That's the. Yeah, we're not in Utah YouTube I wouldn't mind being in Utah right now.
Speaker 2:I like to travel.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it wouldn't be bad, I'll go check out maybe Salt Lake, check out, maybe the the Olympic Village or something. Be kind of fun to be able to, you know, check something out. But yeah, facebook, instagram, x, twitter, whatever, all the different things Definitely pass it along. And that'll be my challenge to you. Two challenges one give us one piece of feedback positive, negative, whatever, maybe or Pass this along to one person, even if you don't just share it if you just share it just on, you know like On your, you know like, repost the Facebook post, or you know repost.
Speaker 1:You know like Instagram or something like that. But I challenge you to just Tell one person you know like a co-worker's, like, hey, you like podcast and you listen to like how to rebuild your lawnmower in three days. You would like this instead or in addition to I don't know. Just try to help us spread the word a little bit. We definitely appreciate that. Well, we'll give you some stickers or something. If you you want, just hit us up on social media, leave us a comment or, you know, some feedback. We'll, we'll definitely enjoy any type of feedback.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that would be awesome, and especially YouTube. I don't think we've talked about it much, but pretty soon here will be having video of our podcast. We'll actually be on YouTube for video for everybody watching, not audio only trying to figure out how to be the animated Overlay, so that people don't actually see what.
Speaker 2:I actually look like. So that would be fantastic if you could subscribe on the YouTube. That would really help us out a lot with our algorithms and everything there, so we'd really appreciate that we appreciate you tuning in and until next time.
Speaker 1:Everybody cheers.